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Intimate Relationship Violence

Posted on:2009-05-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The article explores the intimate violence on description, explanation and research methods, based on the investigation of 1035 university students after reading a lot of literatures. There ars six findings.1. The intimate violence is quiet common.2. On husbands'violence against wives, the different kinds of patriarchies, such as public, private, cultural or material ones, and their combination affect the nature and degree of the violence. Specially, the article discuss the common couple violence and patriarchal terrorist violence as well as their relationship, distinction and the principles of intervention. Comparing the wives'violence against husbands and the husbands'violence against wives, the article find out the same risk factors as well as the different ones. Differences shows when compaing the gender distribution of couple violence among cultures or nations.3. The gender distribution is different between dating violence and marital violence. The article also explores the relationship between the female role of violence and their status in the two heterosexual intimate relationships.4. The violence against children by their parents is more common than the violence against the parents by their children. The violence will transmit among generations and the direction, degree, gender distribution, attitudes and behaviors are intricate.5. The social construction of violence is very different bewteen male and female. Generally speaking, males inflict and suffer more physical violence than femles except sex violation.6. The Conflict Tactics Scale, as one of the most common violence scale shows high reliability and availability in the 1035 university students but the gender sensitivity isn't enough. The reporter's identity, roles in violence, the type of violence and the investigation method will affect the violence report.
Keywords/Search Tags:family violence, intimate violence, couple violence, dating violence, the violence bewteen parents and children, patriarchal terrorist violence, violence transmission, violence report
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