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Qualitative Research Of The Definition Of Intimate Relationship Violence By Male Victims

Posted on:2018-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330515984796Subject:Social work professional
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This dissertation presents different behavior forms of male victims towards intimate partner violence and potential reason interpretations.Past studies mainly focus on female victims as research subjects.While this paper focus on male victims after 80 s.Adopting qualitative research method,we draw some conclusions from depth interview with 5 objects and related data results.Firstly,past traumatic events make male victims produce some false cognition about consanguinity.Secondly,as for the emergence of violence,male victims bear harm to the largest extent owing to they want to keep the close relationship and the matter of pride.Thirdly,intimate partner violence is related to personal peculiarity and situation factors.Fourthly,compared with female victims physical violence,male victims bear diverse forms of harms.Fifthly,female victims are easier to get other people’s sympathy as compared with male victim,who always get other people’s ridicule.This may make second harm for them.Based on the finding results,this paper provides some suggestions from three points:Male victim,intimate group and society.Hopefully,through this dissertation,people will pay close attention to male victim and related social problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:male victim, intimate partner violence, mental violence, physical violence
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