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Research On The Implications Of The Order Of Athletic Sports

Posted on:2009-02-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360272476134Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Beijing Olympic Games as a major current events, with sports, political and other cultural implication. In this paper, from Marx's "human development in three stages" theory in order to explore implication of athletic sports pursuing the order. A study on the Olympic Games represented by athletic sports to carry out the premise - the order of the evolution of sports history and political significance, and as a basis for analysis of the Chinese concept of building a harmonious athletic sports.First: Contemporary Reflections on the order of athletic sportsFor all of the human community, the order is the most basic value that is likely to be the prerequisite of public life. The universal principle of political science in specific areas of sports, forming a historic pursuit of athletic sports pursuing order. Back in ancient Greece, we found that the pursuit of the Olympic Games is a kind of justice, a sacred order, the order in the city-state is playing an orderly political demonstration. By Pierre de Coubertin launched the modern Olympic Games, inherited the ancient Olympic Games to promote peace, order and longing for the idea of an intrinsic human consistent pursuit of order. However, it is natural sense of order in the contemporary sports, there are still a number of adverse factors, and they ought to are still the order of distance of contemporary athletic requirements, from the main reason for this is that we lag behind the concept of sports and its value-oriented dislocation. This article is to improve the order of athletic sports ,and establishing the expression of the times progress and human development requirements to build a outlook of harmonious national sports ,in order to optimize the order of athletic sports, becoming a task before us.Second: the research horizon: Marx's "human development in three stages" theoryThis article holds that "human development in three stages" theory as the center of the contents of the Marxist political science– the thought of man, expression is the era of progress and human development requirements of the advanced theory. basing on Marx's "human development in three stages", we are able to order the evolution of sports as a natural course of history, be able to hit the contemporary competition in the order of the existence of adverse factors that cause the effective measures to overcome the existing the defects of athletic sports, setting up in line with the "harmonious world" and "harmonious society" goal of the new national harmonious outlook of athletic sports. Marx's "human development in three stages" in the "Economics manuscripts 1857-1858" made the classic statement that in the history of human development experience from " the stage of relying on the man " to"the stage of material dependence On the basis of independence "and "stage of free personality ". Chinese Marxist theorists of the late Mr Gao Qinghai made Marx's theory of human development in three stages for the division to expand on the "people's reliance on" characterized by "group-based" stage "to the dependent-based the independence of the people, "characterized by" individual-based "and stage" free personality, "characterized by"category-based"stage. In this way, Marx provided to the grand scale to grasp the history of mankind, in order to show on the history of race, ethnicity, narrow-minded groups to the development of community-based traditional stage to abstract list for the individual-based development stage of modern society, and to renounce the groups and individuals as the main human-based development post-modern community-based stage. In this article, we are going to Marxism, "Economics 1857-1858 manuscripts" based on the classic text, adopted by Mr Gao Qinghai interpretation of the "group-based" and "individual-based" and "category-based" basic areas as A bird's eye view of human development process in order to grasp the order of athletic sports in the course of development of the macro scale, as the study of contemporary sports are becoming the order of the theory of the premise.Third: ideas and structuresAccording to the Marxist point of view, including sports and other secondary human activities are grounded in the material production by the decision of the specific social form, at the same time, they were again active in the way of clear-cut terms the situation of the times. Competitive athletes in the main to the "small" personal development, in essence, "capital" of human freedom to be constantly conscious of the dynamic role played by sports-representation. As a result, the historic form of athletic sports pursuing the order is the inherent identity with Marx described in "three stages of human development". Marxism to "human development in three stages" theory for the view to exploring the history of sports, we have pursuing the course is divided into groups -based stage of the ancient athletic sports pursuing the order and individual-based stage - of modern athletic sports pursuing the order .The type of stage-based - to the contemporary order in the pursuit of sports, is the world of sports is to achieve a state. Athletic sports pursuing the order, the development of the first two stages, on the one hand it has the history of human progress and to achieve some kind of freedom, on the other hand it has limitations and specific suppression of freedom. In that repression continue to abandon the development process, the activity of sports is becoming increasingly category-based stage in the competition in the all-round individual freedom continue to be realized.On the study of athletic sports pursuing the order has important significance in political science, and Chinese sports for the order to optimize the provision of the historical and practical frame of reference. In this paper, based on Marx's "human development in three stages" theory, from contemporary to reflect on the order of sports in the problems of "sports" and "sports pursusing order" to explain the concept of human nature, which reveals the implication of the order of the sports and look at various aspects of sports The order in the pursuit of history, meaning submitted to test our concept of a harmonious outlook of athletic sports and countermeasures. The main structure of the paper and as follows. Chapter I: Introduction. Based on the topics outlined in the studying the view,the language and ideas. Chapter II: interpretation of the order in athletic sports. With regard to Marxist theory of human development based on research how sports reflects order, from the human point of view on the initiative of the realization of "sports" and "order" and "sports order" concept for understanding.Chapter III: The course of athletic sports pursuing the order - from"group-based" to"category-based" . With regard to Marxism and social development in three phases on the basis of the theory, analysis of the different periods of the sports situation in order to explore the various stages of a different order and the concept of sports development, human development coordination.Chapter IV: The significance of the order athletic sports pursuing the order - the "category"nature of people tend to reality. The initiative is a sportsman to play an important characterization, so the order of sports tend to reflect the essence of a harmonious human-type nature of the reality trend continued. Chapter V: Chinese sports concept of building a harmonious ideas and countermeasures. The full text of this chapter for the ultimate end result of the adoption of a specific study of China's sports concept of building a harmonious, continuous trend of expression category-based order in the development of the modern athletic purposes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Athletic Sports, Order, Group Based, Individual Based, Category Based
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