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Research On The Evolution Of ASEAN Identity-constructing And Higher Education Policy During The Process Of ASEAN Integration

Posted on:2010-12-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360275996679Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ASEAN Integration has been twisted by the default of ASEAN Identity, for National Awareness and National Interest has kept the weather, which has been the obstacle since ASEAN was founded. It is one of the main subject around the ASEAN policy-making on how to transfer the identity and loyalty of Nation's into ASEAN's and form common norms, interests and values. A good many of ASEAN documents present that the educational role in identity-building has been focusing attention upon ever since 1970s. Higher education was envisaged as the important means to develop human resources, build regional common status and foster ASEAN Identity and Awareness. So that, the ASEAN Identity-building becomes the pursuit of highest valuable goal of higher education. The two variables push ASEAN Integration forward, relying on, develping and affecting each other.On the basis of the progress on the two variables, the dissertation starts with the research of theories and facts, which tries to clarify the relevant concepts, theories and the relations between higher education policy, making analysis of its background, cause, implementation and value goal. From ought-to-be angle, it will analyze the interact between identity-building and higher education policy and the valuable and functional orientation of higher education policy. From the to-be angle, it should depict and explain in impersonality that the environment and policy-evolution of the identiy and higher education policy and the policy implementation on every level. It will deuce the future development of ASEAN policy and have effect on China and East Asia.In the perspective of theory reseasch, the dissertation probes into the theories such as regionalism, new regionalism, identity thinking, constructivism and so on, and the relationship with higher education policy. Firstly, ASEAN Integration develops under the drive of new regionalism that proposes cooperation, outlooking, regional identity, regional interact and cohesion, which provided one of the important impetuses and developing goal for ASEAN Higher Education Policy. Secondly, the most important problem that faces ASEAN is how to dispose of the the norms, values and interests, that is the problem of identity between ASEAN and nation-state. That's also what ASEAN Higher Education Policy pursues and is identical with, which envisages the fostering norms as its basis and the realization of common interest and status as the highest value goal. Thirdly, constructivism admitted that norms, values, status and interest can be acquired. Through the acquisition of cultural knowledge, individual indentity and interest can be changed, and the self-regard motivation can be transferred into social activity, lessening self-regard identity and building social identity, while higher education policy is the best way to help individual acquire cultural knowledge and build identity.In the perspective of fact research, the dissertation makes a thorough inquiry into the environment of ASEAN Identity-building and Higher Education Policy during the process of ASEAN Integration on the basis of the Decalaration, Agreement or Communique.etc. published ASEAN. It makes an analysis on the the motivation, restrict factors and value goal of ASEAN Higher Education. Through the investigation into the cooperation of higher education projects and activities on the two levels like ASEAN and nation-state as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam as case study, it did a research into the process of history evolution and implementation of ASEAN Higher Education Policies. Thus, it is testified the rationality and facticity of the theory hypothesis that the interact between ASEAN Identity-building and Higher Education Policy is the foundation of ASEAN Integration and unification. ASEAN Identity-building promotes the deveopment of Higher Education Policy, while ASEAN Higher Education Policy considers ASEAN Identity-building as the highest value goal. It realizes its goal through norms and measures-making, and various projects and activities that make a link," communication and cooperation with its member-states . It is the coordination of the two virables that drive the development of ASEAN Integration.Another focus of the dissertation is on the comparison with the evolution of Higher Education Policy between ASEAN and European Integration. The dissertation reveals the the backgroud, cause and the policy implemention, and problems and its countermeasures, through the deepgoing study. We found from the comparison that there are some similarities such as the limitation of higher educatio policies at start of two organizations, the way of involvement into education, the goal and the trends of higher education, while there is a great difference in the course of policy-making like the background and motivation, the policy evolution and the organization , the function and character, the financial resource and legislation and judicature and etc. They have formed a way of theirs' and a kind of unique decision-making way. At the same time, a deep-seated problem was exposed that is a collision and oppose between nation-state and regionalization organization. On the problem of educational sovereignty, there is always a dispute whether in European Union, or ASEAN or other international organizations. It is showed that the modern university of the 20th century has much stronger sense in nationality though with internationalism. On the one hand, the higher education system must serve for the interests of its nation. The nation is still the main behavior in the political, economic and cultural life. On the other hand, the national interest is built in the international society. The political culture, norms, and common ideas can change the policy action of a nation and more can build a national Identity and interest in a deep extent. But the norms internalized not only manifests its validity in a country but is conformed and identified with, not by national and international oppression.Proceed from the objective fact and in contrast with the proccess of policy-making in the two regional organizations, it is not difficult for us to deduce the future development of ASEAN higher education. That is, ASEAN higher education will must stride forward into the academic community and ASEAN-way integration in the coherence traction of ASEAN three-Communities and the pilot of ASEAN Policy, though it will faces many challenges and difficulties. Meanwhile, it will certainly have impact on the development of higher education in Asia and China. Thus, China should make good preparation for it and continue to bring into full play as the sample of a Big country, that will help to deepen the mutual cooperation and benefit from each other.
Keywords/Search Tags:ASEAN Integration, European Integration, identity-building, higher education policy, evolution, study
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