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Quality Management Of Graduate Education: A Study Of Performance Excellence

Posted on:2010-10-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XingFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360302495050Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The product of graduate education is the service of graduate education. This product mainly involves both tangibles and intangible services. The tangibles include environmental factors and infrastructure of the educational institute. The intangibles include studying and researching services as well as other related services for graduate students. To maximize the benefits of the resources of the graduate educational institute, the TQM should be carried out. Learning from the model of Performance Excellence, construct graduate education quality management system in order to reach the strategy goal of the Quest for Excellence.1. Theoretical study of quality management system for performance excellenceThe object being managed is the value system of graduate education which is composed of the value of educational institute, the value of stockholder, and practice activity. The educational institute continues improving their service in order to access the quality excellence goal, elevates the value of every parties and eventually realizes the goal of graduate education.The core of administrative system is to establish the value view of questing quality excellence. The operation mechanism is the Graduate Education Quality Value System (GEQVS). The core of GEQVS is the value equation of stockerholder. The realization mechanism is to carry out the strategy of Graduate Education Total Quality Satisfaction (GETQS). The feed back mechanism is the evaluation of the satisfaction to stockholder, and the overall performance self evaluation to educational organization itself.2. Empirical study of evaluation of quality excellence management systemTo study the satisfaction of the graduate students and the mentors, by the methods of interview and mathematical statistics, explore four factors related with graduate"perceived quality", which are educational environment, teaching and guidance, research training, curriculum arrangement. Using the same method, explore four factors associated with attributes of mentor's satisfaction, which are encouraging and caring, fairness and assurance, working environment, and academic team.Construct the models of satisfactory relationship of graduate and mentor. Findings are that graduate"perceived quality"can not exert a direct positive impact to total satisfaction but it can affect the overall satisfaction and behavior through"perceived value", this proved the rationality of the stockerholder value equation that we proposed. The model of mentor's satisfaction indicates that factor of satisfaction can not have a direct and positive impact on mentor's behavior. But it can exert its impact on mentor's behavior through overall satisfaction.Using Importance Performance Analysis model, analyze the graduate's"perceived quality"and mentor's"factor of satisfaction", indicate which part of the quality management is located in Keep Up The Good Work quadrant, Concentrate Here quadrant, et al. for the educational organization.According the correlation analysis of the satisfaction of graduates and mentors, indicate that they are significant correlation.Applying the seven dimensions of Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (US) and some of its evaluation items as well as considering the difference of our graduate education organization, using factor analysis method, explore a self evaluation system for the performance of graduate educational organizations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Graduate education, Quality management, Performance excellence, Satisfaction
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