More than30years of reform and opening up, at the rapiddevelopment of economic globalization period of history, thanks to carryout our country export orientation and actively introduce foreign capitaldevelopment strategy, policy measures capable, our country PRChinabecomes one of the biggest beneficiaries of economic globalization,growth from a small trade country to a trade power country.Nevertheless, the transformation of Chinese processing trade enterpriseupgrade faces a challenge. Especially since the financial crisis, Foreigntrade development,on the whole, facing enormous difficulties, by originalpull the growth of national economy of one of three cart into a flat oreven negative growth.Processing trade enterprise faces multiple externalpressure stack.And the processing trade enterprise face same kind ofserious problem.Crack processing trade enterprise transformation andupgrade the core of the problem lies in the technological innovation. Now,enterprise and its practice is not perfect yet, to be further exploration.Therefore, this paper studies the core of "upgrade".It is the enterprise corecompetitive ability training and development path.The basic analysis framework is "environment,resources,path(abilitytraining and development path)".This paper studies on the idea along the market structure (of thetransformation and upgrade mode)-enterprise behavior (of thetransformation and upgrade ability construction)-enterprise performance(effect evaluation of the transformation and upgrade). From theascension of the processing trade enterprise innovation strategy andability training point of view, and tries to discuss the following questions:First, what is the processing trade enterprise of the transformation andupgrade essence? Second, what is the processing trade enterprise of thetransformation and upgrade mode? Third, how to cultivate the processing trade enterprise of the transformation and upgrade ability? Fourth, how topromote the processing trade enterprise transformation and upgrade forthe performance boosting effect? Fifth, how to promote the government'seffect on the transformation of processing trade enterprise upgrade?Around the topic of processing trade, this paper comprises four parts:Partâ… is the introduction which is the study foundation and departurepoint of the whole paper. It illustrates the study necessity of processingtrade, research ideas and contents, methods and innovation and raises thestudy questions of the this paper.It discuss the processing trade enterpriseconcept and characteristic, analysis of the "transition" and "upgrade"essence. It expounds the processing trade enterprise transformation andupgrading of the necessity of research, and puts forward the key, thenexplain the thought and main content, and finally the research methodsand innovation point is introduced.Part â…¡ (Chapterâ… to Chapterâ…¡) is the theoretical study.Chapterâ… illustrates the literature review and research frameworkand afterwards comparesof the transformation and upgrade of theliterature.Chapter â…¡ illustrates the processing of the trade enterprisetransformation and upgrade environment analysis.Analyzes the exchangerate, and external factors such as labor, industry of processing tradeenterprise of the transformation and upgrade effects. Analyzed theChinese processing trade enterprise the current situation of thedevelopment and problems. The stress of international competition,market concentration is low, not form a reasonable system of industrialdivision and homogeneous competition is the processing trade enterprisethe main problem facing, At the same time of supply and demand fromtwo aspects of Chinese processing trade analysis enterprise innovationbarriers.Part III (Chapter â…¢ to Chapter â…¥) is the empirical study.Chapter â…¢ illustrates relevant countries and regions of the transformation and upgrade process and enlightenment.Chapterâ…£illustrates the transformation and upgrade strategic research.From three levels (national level, profession management level,processing trade enterprise) and two dimensions (demand dimensions andsupply dimensions) describes the role of government in processing tradeenterprise in the process of transformation and upgrading. And putsforward the processing trade enterprise of the transformation and upgradepolicy Suggestions, including the overall policy system, and relatedpolicies.Chapter â…¤ illustrates the enterprise strategy research of thetransformation and upgrade. The application of structural equation model,in the broader sense validation innovation ability and innovation of therelationship between the effect. The innovation ability and the enterpriseperformance directly and indirectly between way way.The innovation ofenterprise performance impact is likely more through the reduceoperational costs, improve internal operation efficiency, scale expansion,way can be realized.Chapterâ…¥ illustrates research of the enterprise transformation andupgrade path. Put forward based on a double upgrade mode of theindustrial chain of change, processing trade enterprise technologyinnovation is the change of enterprise technology innovation of the twoimportant driving force, and based on this divided into four types oftransformation and upgrading of basic dimensions, respectively isenterprise form dimension, the optimization of market structureoptimization dimension, the business model optimization dimension, theindependent intellectual property rights optimization dimension.Part IV (Chapter â…¦to Chapter â…§) is the conclusion and prospect.Chapterâ…¦ illustrates the perfect policies and supervision of thetransformation and upgrade. Public policy on processing trade enterprisetransformation and upgrading of plays a very important role, and at thesame time, the customs supervision and enforcement also appears very important. This paper summarized the important conclusion, theory andpractice contribution and innovation point, and then points out the defectsof the research, and put forward the prospect of the future researchdirection.Chapterâ…§ is the investigation of several provinces' police about thetransformation and upgrade.The appendix of this investigation is themacroeconomic policy and effect of typical areas.The main innovation points include:(1) the research content ofinnovation. With the innovation of the transformation and upgradeprocess as the core, of processing trade enterprise organization structureanalysis of core ability;(2) study methods of innovation. Domestic andforeign research study compared, the biggest shortage is the theoreticalanalysis and empirical test less. This paper, based on the previousresearch, to build their own analysis framework, the theory on the basis ofstudy, through the case study and the depth measurement analysis verifiedthe hypothesis, and strive to enhance research conclusion persuasive. |