The relationship between Leadership and TMT Behavioral Integration has beena hot topic. The cognition and values of managerial members will eventuallydetermine the performance of the firm. In this paper, TMT behavioral integration isthe dependent variable and CEO leadership (transformational leadership, transactionalleadership and paternalistic leadership) are the independent variables. This paperinvestigates the relationship between them deeply. This paper also investigates themoderating role of the environment.The main problems discussed in this paper are as follows: 1, the relationshipbetween transformational leadership and TMT behavioral integration. That was ahot topic in the academic field. This paper investigates this problem under Chineseenvironment. That is this paper investigates the the relationship betweentransformational leadership and TMT behavioral integration in Chinese firms. 2,therelationship between paternalistic leadership and TMT behavioral integration. Thisinvestigation is very important because paternalistic leadership is an importantleadership. This relationship was not discussed deeply in the academic field. Thispaper dicussed the impact of the three components of paternalistic leadership on TMTbehavioral integration in order to improve our understanding of their relationship.3,the relationship between transactional leadership and TMT behavioral integration.This paper investigates their relationship in order to improve our understanding of theimpact transactional leadership.4, the moderating role of the environment. This paperinvestigates moderating role of environment for the relationship Leadership and TMTBehavioral Integration in order to improve our understanding about the contingencyvariable for their relationship.This research was done on the basis of past researching papers. This paperexplores in the following points: 1. exploring the relationship between Leadershipand TMT Behavioral Integration comprehensively in Chinese sircumstance; 2. themoderating role of environment. Sample for this paper is SMES. After two months, this paper got 152 vaidquestionaires of TMT and 495 valid questionaires of CEOs.This paper used scalesused in past papers for the measurement of variables. This paper use SPSS16.0statistical analysis software for data analysis.This paper finds that, CEO's transformational leadership is positively associatedwith TMT behavioral integration; authoritarianism is negatively associated with TMTbehavioral integration; (benevolence and moral is positively associated with TMTbehavioral integration; the relationship between transformational leadership,transactional leadership, paternalistic leadership and TMT behavioral integration aremoderates by technological dynamism. Besides, the relationship betweentransformational leadership, transactional leadership, paternalistic leadership andTMT behavioral integration are also moderates by market dynamism.This paper has some theoretical significance and practical value. But due tosome subject and object factors,there is some the deficiency in this studyunavoidably. |