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A Study On Issues Of Employment In China

Posted on:2007-07-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119360242979390Subject:Western economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Employment is vital to people. The paper tries to alleviate the employment predicament and to solve the serious unemployment problems in China. Based on the analysis of the present employment opinion, new ideas of solving the employment problem have been brought up so as to catch up with the goal.Firstly, it has been pointed out that present employment problem mainly lies in the contradiction of laborers demand and supply accompanied with the employment structure according to statistics data in China. With the increase of the employment burden in the town and abundant laborers in the countryside moving to the non-agriculture industry fast, it is crossed with the new growing laborers employment and the reemployment of the unemployment people, which means that the employment problem in China is both total quantity contradiction and the structural problem, which is so complicated and so long that the government has to cope with prudently.Secondly, it is obvious that the present employment opinions have their effect on exploring employment area, such as the industrialization, economic growth, developing the labor-intensive industry, developing small and medium-sized enterprises, developing high technology, promoting urbanization and so on, but have not done their work effectively in the promotion of the employment, which owes to the fact that China is always competing with GDP rapidly in the course of macro economic growth. Although, the GDP in China is growing fast, the gap between the poor and the rich is enlarged increasingly, the abundant laborers in the countryside have not been settled and the urban employment is more serious. Although these may originate different aspects, such as economic transition, the state-owned enterprise reform and structural adjustment, and so on. In fact, it is mainly from the ignorant of the harmony developmence between the economy and human beings, which is fundmental to the employment predicament.After discussed that the temptation of the urban industry laborers have been substituted by the technology and capital, and combined the industrialization in the view of the development economics and human capital theory, it has been pointed out that human capital is one of the strategical production function. A lot of problems have appeared in the course of the industrialization and economic development because the human capital is ignored in the strategical production function in China while the employment is one of the key problems. It has been pointed that the shortage of the employment area and the depression of the job demand lies in the ignorance of the harmony development between economy and human beings and the human capital investment, which is the source of the employment predicament. The shortage of employment area may be explained in macro and micro two aspects. The former is the new industry will bring about narrower new job space with the upgrade of the industry because of less human capital investment .The latter is from personal innovation and ability which can not show up actively and so prevents the industry division from deepening because of the ignorance of the harmony development between economy and human beings. Job demand depression may also from two factors: education and laborers rights. Compulsory education and reeducation will not do a buffer to the employment if the laborers rights are not protected and the laborers work extra hours, which amounts to the job demand will decrease and job opportunities are fewer in the whole job markets. It has been pointed out the ignorance of the harmony development between the economic and human beings owes to the shortage of the correct wealth opinion.After the fundamental employment predicament having been pointed out, a study has been done on how to solve the problem. Taken an example for decreasing work hours of the laborers, the results show that exploring employment field and improving the laborers ability may arrive at the same time on the condition of support of the government financial policy. It is indicated that the welfare education tickets is imperative based on the analysis of the education scheme in the middle school, and for the increase human capital investment, it is a basic work .The study of the welfare learning society efficiency mechanism shows that it is the ideal solution to solve the employment predicament and is a great help to improve the efficiency of the laborers ability because of its intrinsic efficiency which is different from the welfare efficiency in the developed country.Finally, After analyzed that the welfare learning society has effect on the present employment situation, it has been discussed that the welfare learning society has influenced the industry structure and employment structure, which can make the industry structure move to the light, energy-saving, technology lean and complete service in order to extend the employment area from different aspects. By means of static analysis and dynamic analysis, combined the long-term trend of the laborer forces change with industry structure in the welfare learning society , it has been made a forecast of the long-term trend of the labor forces supply and demand. By the adoption of the dynamic trend analysis, it has been shown that laborers ability will be improved and industry structure will be adjusted rightly, and the gap between laborers supply and demand is decreasing gradually, then employment predicament will be really alleviated with the increasing perfection and development of the welfare learning society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Employment, Human capital, Compulsory education, Industry structure, Welfare learning society
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