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Theory And Practice Of China’s Socialist Political Civilization In Globalization Perspective

Posted on:2013-07-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Z SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330395971262Subject:History of development of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As we all know, globalization is what happened now. It’s already the indisputable fact in our world and will be the trend of the future development. No one can deny or ignore that. It is not only aroused in the economic area, but also the political, cultural, military, and educational area. Globalization will have a profound impact on our country in all aspects of development and construction. China benefits from this process. We become stronger in this process. Since the reform and opening up, the degree of extension on economic and social globalization is more and more deepen. This greatly promoted our country’s social and economic development, and promoted the development of material civilization which epitomizes that China has become the world’s first second largest economy. Globalization is bound to a corresponding impact on China’s political civilization which either positive or negative. In this circumstance, the theory and practice of China’s political civilization must be studied in the context of globalization. From a global perspective, this paper argues some relative questions about socialist political civilization based on the deep understanding of political civilization and socialist political civilization.Firstly, the paper defines the scientific connotation of the basic theory of political civilization and the basic characteristics of the structural system and the role of political civilization. Generally speaking, the political civilization is the state of progress in social and political life. From a static point of view, it is all the results achieved in the political process of human society; from a dynamic perspective, it is the specific step in social and political evolution. Different class and society have different political civilization. It’s developed in diversity. We also can see it in5aspects of political subjectivity civilization, political relations civilization, political awareness civilization, political behavior civilization and political system civilization. Socialist political civilization is the state of progress of the socialist social and political life. Let people know more socialist political civilization is good for us to build a socialist harmonious society, a moderately prosperous society, even the higher state of communist society and it is good for us to deepen the study of political science of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the construction of socialist political civilization and help us to respond effectively to the challenges of globalization.Secondly, the paper explores the Marxist classical writers’ theory and discusses the various steps and elements of the socialist political civilization development so as to point out the path and main body which is the system of socialist democracy, the unity of the socialist rule of law and the party’s leadership. Only in this way can we constitute the main content of the socialist political civilization.Thirdly, the paper analyzes the main forms of civilization in world politics, evaluation criteria, and the impact of the globalization on Chinese socialist political civilization and discusses the relative question of reference and transcendence to capitalism political civilization. World political civilization from the point of view of history can be divided into a slave social and political civilization, feudal social and political civilization, capitalist social and political civilization and socialist social and political civilization. From the geographical point of view it can be divided into the Western political civilization and Eastern political civilization. And the standard to evaluate the political progress of civilization can be divided into history and reality. Historical standards is to look at the relative of a political civilization compared to the previous stage of political civilization whether superiority; Reality standard is to consider from five aspects which are political subjectivity, political relations, political consciousness, political behavior and political system. Since the establishment of Chinese socialist system, China has been learning the political civilization form other countries. Especially after the reform and opening up, the critique of the capitalist political civilization absorption is particularly evident, and achieved good results. On this basis, to further clarify the Western capitalist political civilization, we have to learn the principles, methods, scope and it is of great significance for us to go beyond the political civilization of capitalism, to promote the development of the socialist political civilization.Fourthly, the paper discusses the construction and development of Chinese socialist political civilization, and summarizes the main problems of the socialist political civilization in the context of globalization from five aspects. They are political subjectivity, political relations, political awareness, political behavior and political systems. We analyze the cause of the problem and address the solutions based on principles and measures. It is an effective road to nail the specific problems of socialist political civilization and put forward countermeasures to solve them.In the background of globalization, the construction of socialist political civilization is significant. We post a new staple to these developing countries on how to construct and develop the socialist political civilization which is definitely different from west civilization. We proudly show the world that socialist political civilization is the future of human political civilization.
Keywords/Search Tags:globalization, political civilization, Socialism
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