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Stigmatized And Ethnic Relations

Posted on:2014-02-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R WangFull Text:PDF
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With the continuous deepening of reformation and opening enterprise, great changes have taken place in Chinese society. Migration that appeared in economical development led to a serious of problems concerned district ethnic groups. Stigmatization to certain district ethnic groups attracted the concern and study from academic world. The foreign related studies have effect on the domestic academic circle,most studies about the stigmatization to vulnerable groups, such as peasant workers, Aids patients etc, and had relation with the political guide to construct harmony society. Attention is paid to the stigmatization to certain district ethnic groups among these researches.At the turn period of centuries, stigmatization to groups from Henan Province was paid much close attention and researches.Among these stigmatization researches, little has been paid attention to that among ethnic groups.Try to look closely at the stigmatization phenomenon in the light of ethnic groups theory, in order to reveal its function in the relations between ethnic groups. In Xian district, I choose groups from Henan province as the object to investigate, and does a diachronic and synchronic research on the stigmatization problems about the district ethnic groups of "people from Henan province". The dissertation try to inquire into the effect of stigmatization upon relation between district ethnic groups.Man is the creature of circumstances, and so is the culture. Circumstances includes social cultural circumstances, historical political circumstances, natural circumstances, would bring about far-reaching effect to men living in it. It has no essential difference among groups from different areas, and the difference in behavior style and cultural concept is only the result that brought about by coping with different circumstances.In the introduction of this dissertation, relation between stigmatization and times background is discussed firstly, then the survey and the theories that is related to the stigmatization reseaiches abroad and home is combed, the researches situation and related concept in ethnic groups theory is looked back on, too. In chapter one, living circumstances of people from Henan province previous to their survival leaving for Xian district is enquired, in order to comprehend the cultural trait and cultural pattern after arrival in Xian district of the groups from Henan province. After the Republic of China was founded, serious disaster of bandits in Henan, incessantly wars between warlords, natural disasters such as blood and drought, moreover their suffering from Japanese invasion, large number of people from Henan province were obliged to escape to Shanxi Province for their survival. Many of them wandered about destitute in Xian district. On the basis of this, who are those "people from Henan province" is initial analyzed. In the chapter two, migration history in and out the district of contemporary Henan Province is looked back, so that explain the migration relation between the two districts of Shanxi and Henan Province. Then the review of hardships and suffering situation of people from Henan province in the course of the flight, would help to comprehend their living attitude and strategy forward change of circumstances in the late days. Some characteristics feature of people from Henan province are induced from some aspects. In chapter three, it emphasize on the stigmatization towards people from Henan province, and analyze the change about main stigmatization content that changed with the times and tide. The tracing back to the nickname of the district ethnic groups of people from Henan province, from "Henan carrying pole" to "people from northern of railway ",to "people from Henan province", and the transition of implication behind these nicknames. Finally, it especially presents the fact that the Hui ethnic groups in the groups from Henan Province was stigmatized as "east area Huihui" by native Hui Minzu. In chapter four, it focuses on the relation between stigmatization and boundaries of district ethnic groups. As a result of stigmatization, some tinny differences have been raised to become symbols which consist of the boundaries of district ethnic groups. These differences exist in language, food and drink, the drama, convention between different district ethnic groups.The course from stigmatization to admission of "people from Shandong Province" is also probed into here.On the basis of the investigation into groups from Henan Province, it reveals the function that stigmatization constructs the boundaries of district ethnic groups, and the function that stigmatization maintains the boundaries between district ethnic groups. Stigmatization between district ethnic groups has two-way, that is to say there is stigmatization each other. The result that to stigmatize and to be stigmatized by other district ethnic groups would strengthen the cohesive force in inner groups, and help to form ethnic groups boundaries that is made up of a serious of symbols. Stigmatization would gives certain district ethnic groups a "spoiled identity", form a serious of social block and isolation. When stigmatization is manipulated by a certain political organization, it would serve as a "amplitude transformer", cause serious consequence. It appears very obviously in the relation between the two district ethnic groups of "eastern area Hui" and "western area Hui". Stigmatization is mutual,usually happen in similar ethnic groups. District ethnic groups would disappear and combine with other ethnic groups, and the boundaries of district ethnic groups would fade, when stigmatization disappears.
Keywords/Search Tags:stigmatization, ethnic groups, people from Henanprovince, boundaries of district ethnic groups
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