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Study On Practical Logic Of The Generation Of Academic Capital In University

Posted on:2016-09-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F RanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1227330503451596Subject:Higher Education
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Academic is the logical starting point for university,and academic is also a fundamental property of the University. Training(Teaching), scientific research and social services are the most important academic activities for the university. Academic in the university is an inherently meaningful practice, it reflected the value of the production and reproduction of academic development, it means the generation of the academic capital formation. Especially, in the transition period of development of higher education, and with the development of the knowledge society, it is important to generate the academic capital in university for promoting the academic level and fulfilling the functions of higher education. However, the academic practice in the university now is not suitable, the academic generation has suffered a crisis of meaning. In the academic practice,we found it narrowed the connotation of academic, and "quantity”, " journal recognition”, "paper", and "research objects" are the ultimate aim. The academic value rationality is covered by the academic instrumental rationality, academic rationality and academic practice are fragmented, the external prosperity of academic in university shine upon the lack of intrinsic value of the academic, we can say it ignored the value of the academic capital generation in academic activities. The reason is the logic of the generation of academic is not suitable. The current academic generation mode, look down upon the academic field and condition, separates the integrity of the functions of the university. As an academic practice, the practical features in academic generation should be notable, we should use the practical logic to resolve the problem of the absence of academic capital in the academic practice.Academic capital is a kind of academic energy and academic accumulation which can promote the academic self-expanding and academic reproduction, it depends on the interaction combination of curriculum resources, teaching resources, literature resources, scientific equipment and other academic resources, which academic man did through the way of knowledge transfer, scientific research and creation, application and social services. Academic capital generation is a dynamic academic capital formation and an activity growth process. Academic capital generation is rational activity, but also is practical activity. As we know, the practice has its own logic that relies on actors’ practices feeling, what is the real impact of the practice is the practice of logic. Academic practical logic of capital generated, that is, in the practice of the drawings by the academic field, academic habitus, academic institution, academic system and other factors interact in the academic practical activities.Academic field is the practice space for university academic capital generation. It constitutes by a variety of objective relations, which is filled with all kinds of struggle. The academic capital is generated by the highly competition of the academic power and academic energy in the game space. Academic field relies on university academic formation and accumulation of capital, depends on academic filed the university can establish their own identity. The identity of the university in the academic field and the academic recognition of academic man in the academic field are key to generate the academic capital. On the one hand,the academic capital generated from "back to the field" to "in the field”, and the academic capital also constantly build the" field", on the other hand, the academic capital generated from the "out of the field" to “entrance the field”, to some extent it also can make the academic field to be expanded.Academic habitus is the disposition tendency, which affects the behavior of the academic man when do some academic capital generation. Academic habitus is based on the academic field, academic field shaped the formation of academic habitus. Academic habitus become inevitable properties, which is a kind of products reflected in academic man’s body. Academic habitus is called "game sense" in academic practice, just like the psychological state of academic practice. Academic man with the academic habitus can produce academic behavior consciously and unconsciously, academic man can generate the academic capital based on the academic behavior, and the academic capital can remake the academic habitus.Academic system supplied the academic capital generation. Academic system rules the behavior of academic man, protects the academic field, and guides the academic habitus. Norms and rules in the academic system will become the common belief of the academic man and the academic groups, and gradually formed academic values of truth and the pursuit of the academic values. The academic man will be influenced by the academic ideal and belief, the academic mission also will be a part of the academic behavior and academic action, academic capital generation became conscious behavior of academic man.In the practical logic of academic capital generation, the academic field can determine the social space of the academic man by the perspective of identity, academic habitus construct the interior disposition various and the spiritual world of the academic man in the academic field, the academic system construct the common academic norms and ideal, which determined his academic behavior. The three factors constitute the practical logic of the generation of academic capital in university. Academic capital generate in the interactive relationship between the academic field, the academic habitus and the academic system, which mutual constructed by the academic practice of academic man.
Keywords/Search Tags:University Academic, Academic Capital, The logic of Practice, Academic Man
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