"The11th Five-Year Plan" puts forward the outline of the regional function.OnMarch,2006,it further clarifies the proposed concept of the main functional areas,that is according to the carrying capacity of resources and environment, existingdevelopment density and potential for development, co-ordination to consider thefuture of China’s population distribution, economic layout, land use and the pattern ofurbanization, the land space is divided into optimized development, key development,restricted development and prohibited the development which are four categories ofmain functional areas. On March,2011,“The12th Five-Year Plan” stipulates,Implementation of the overall strategy of regional development and the strategy of themain functional areas, and complement each other to build a regional economicadvantages, the main function of a clear positioning,efficient use of land space, thepattern of regional development between man and nature in harmony, and theprogressive realization of the different regions of the equalization of basic publicservices."The main functional areas of planning" points out not only the developmenttrend of China’s social and economic future, but also the direction of our country andthe development of the local government. At present, the principal contradictioncoordinated regional development in China has turned to the stage of economicdevelopment and adjust the distribution of productive forces as the core content of thenew stage to improve the quality of development and spatial equilibrium.The main functional area planning is a comprehensive spatial planning, whichfully absorbs foreign experience in promoting coordinated regional development,based on the new understanding of our land features and a profound summary of ourprevious coordinated regional strategy and policy, is an important fresh steps ofregional harmonious development in China.Shandong Province is one of largest province in China in economy, in order toease the province’s regional development imbalances, puts forward “a leading,three breakthrough, three strategic” regional coordinated development strategy, but animplementation of the strategy will be subject to many reality factors, lack of effectiveprotection of the province’s resources and environment in practice. So, With theeconomic and social development in Shandong Province, the resources and theenvironment will be under greater pressure, the spatial pattern of socio-economicdevelopment of the situation can not be balanced, spread of the layout of urban spaceand expansion of urban construction will be a great challenge, which seriouslyhampered the coordinated development in Shandong Province.Shandong is China’s eastern coastal areas of economic province, facing theenvironment and resource issues which become more critical with the rapid economicdevelopment, such as the shortage of land and water resources, ecological destructionand environmental pollution increase, labor costs continue to rise. At the same time,however, the sparse region of western Shandong Province industry lacks sufficientcapital drive, or even part of the land area has tremendous potential labor resourcesdid not play due role in the growth. To achieve sustained economic development, aswell as reflects the government advocated regional fair, Shandong Province, shouldpay attention to reasonable guidance and regulation of space resources and factors ofproduction, more scientific and rational development of the regional economy.The article is divided into8parts. The first chapter is the introduction, whichintroduces the research background and significance, research ideas, research methods,innovation and lack of research, through the introduction hierarchical expand on themain functional areas of policy system.The second chapter introduces the research status of the main functional areas athome and abroad, the theoretical basis of the main functional areas, the policy system,and put forward the connotation and related content of main functional areas andpolicy systems.The third chapter gives a brief review of the formation of the main functionalareas of Shandong Province regionalization, comments optimization developmentzones, key development zones, restricted development zones and prohibiteddevelopment zones content in Shandong Province. The chapter focuses on the policy framework and the function of the main functional areas in Shandong Province,comments policy system status and characteristics of the main functional areas ofShandong Province, describes the meaning of the policy system of the main functionalareas as well as mutual relations and framework.Chapter Fourth to Chapter Seventh, respectively, gives a detailed discussion offiscal policy, investment policy, industrial policy, population policy and environmentalpolicy. Each chapter discusses the principles and the starting point of eachpolicy-making; followed by the analysis of problems that need attention in each of thepolicy implementation process; finally detail discuss each policy specificimplementation role and points in optimizing the development zones, keydevelopment, restricted development and prohibit the zone, then conclude specificpolicy.The Eighth chapter concludes with a discussion which concludes the papercontent, and proposes directions for future research. Make sure that the mainfunctional areas in Shandong Province recently planning policy priority arrangements,and Outlook-related effect of policy implementation. |