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Hunan Province, "two-oriented Society Pilot Area Is The Development Of The Policy Mix Of Low-carbon Economy

Posted on:2012-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B L YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199330335490888Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 2010, Hunan Province started to develop the low-carbon economy, which as the entry point of building "resource-saving and environment-friendly society", it is also the main context in "Twelfth Five-Year Plan".Promoting low-carbon economic to achieve sustainable development between man and nature, man and society, is the public issues, so our government should adopt public policies to promote low-carbon economy development.There are the following low-carbon economy policy dilemmas in Hunan "resource-saving and environment-friendly society" pilot area. Firstly, policy objective is not uniform. Government's public policies related to the interests of corporate, public, environmental authorities and other interest groups. Different interest groups hold different interests and demands, which will lead to different choices of public policy, therefore, the interest conflicts between objects and between objects and subjects will led to a policy goals split. Secondly, policy objectives depend on the exact choice of policy instruments, which is affected by the nature of the tool itself and the policy implementation environment. Different policy instruments have their own adaptation, so individual policy tool is difficult to cope with the complex system of low-carbon economy. Thirdly, fragmented areas of policy are difficult to form the system optimization policy objective. Development of low-carbon economy involving the production, circulation, distribution, consumption, and many other areas, however, the current major policies focus on production process and pay less attention to other aspects. There is no the whole process of the formation of carbon reduction model. Finally, climate change issues need co-operation between administrative regions and build a common framework to comply with together, but in reality the administrative system is fragmented and difficult to achieve coordination and cooperation between regions.Facing this complex policy picture, single policy has been unable to promote the development of low- carbon economy. It should think how to combine public policies from the system perspective. In the first, it needs to balance the demands of various stakeholders, by building the policy dialogue mechanism between subjects and objects to coordinate policy beliefs between subjects and objects to achieve at recognition of policy goals. In the second, it should focus on the mixed-type tools, supplement mandatory tools, and develop the voluntary tools to achieve a combination of policy instruments. In the third, from the perspective of the value chain, it should reduce carbon in the whole processes though cooperating and coordinating the production chain, supply chain, sales links, consumer links, and other areas of policies. Finally, as a pure public good, any individual has the tendency to use climate resources free-riding. In the case of one-off game, it is only to achieve sub-optimal solution. So we need to coordinate actions between the regions and build a common system of compliance framework to promote low-carbon economy in" resource-saving and environment-friendly society "pilot area.
Keywords/Search Tags:low-carbon economy, policy goal, policy tool, policy areas, regional policy, policy combination
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