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Pricing Model Of Tiered Electricity Pricing For Residents And Policy Simulation Based On Social Equilibrium

Posted on:2014-02-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1229330401957867Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Currently, China’s energy supply shortages and environmental pressures are increasing gradually aggravating, the energy prices such as coal continue to rise, as well as electricity prices, but the amplitude and frequency adjustments of residential electricity prices are lower than other industries. Residents living electricity price level is relatively lower, resulting in more subsidies for high electricity comsumption users and less for low, which can not reflect the fairness between users and not in conformity with the principle of fair burden. In order to promote resource-saving and environment-friendly society construction, it is necessary to gradually reduce the price of cross subsidies, guide residents to use reasonaby electricity and save electricity and implement the residential tiered electricity pricing. Current research methods of residential tiered electricity pricing are data statistic of consumption, and the analysis of implementation effect of residential tiered electricity pricing and policy are scarce. This paper takes the maximization of social welfare as the goal, puts forward residential tiered electricity pricing model under the social equilibrium and analyses the residential tiered electricity pricing equity, energy-saving and emission reduction and the multi-dimensional benefit qualitative evaluation. Finally, according to the situation of our country, corresponding policy recommendations are put forward.Firsly, taking social welfare maximization as the goal, residents tiered electricity price pricing model is built. Based on the research of tiered electricity price system at home and abroad, influence factors of residents tiered electricity price are analyzed, residents nonlinear pricing model and optimization anaysis based on the social equilibrium is built. Using Ramsey pricing principle to research residentials tiered electricity price, residential nonlinear pricing model and the social welfare caculation model are put forward, then the residents tiered electricity price scheme under social equilibrium is determined. The results show that based on social equilibrium, the tiered electricity price can effectively guarantee the electricy price rationality of the social welfare maximization, which provides reference for government departments to formulate reasonable residential tiered electricity price.Secondly, residential tiered electricity pricing is evaluated from the multi-dimensional benefit. Residential tiered electricity pricing model is constructed on the basis of Gene coefficient, the evaluation model based on grey correlation degree and TOPSIS is constructed to make comprehensive evaluation for the implementing effect of the tiered tariff. According to the goal of revenue neutrality, fairness and economic efficiency, residential tiered electricity pricing model is constructed on the basis of Gene coefficient. This paper chooses three essential indexes which are the electricity pricing elasticity for low income consumers, saving energy and reducing consumption, and the relationship with CPI, multiple quantitative evaluation factors of residential tiered electricity price model is put forward. Finally, a multi-level comprehensive evaluation index system of tiered pricing implementation effect is established from supply side, customer side and social side respectively. The evaluation model based on grey correlation degree and TOPSIS is constructed to make comprehensive evaluation for the implementing effect of the step tariff. Finally, through analysis of an example of step tariff in pilot areas, the efficiency and rationality of the model was verified.Thirdly, policy simulation research of residential tiered electricity pricing is put forward. Based on social equilibrium, low-income residential tiered electricity pricing policy simulation model and the middle and high income families response model are proposed. Through the study on electricity decision-making process of household and the Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System, taking low-income households utility maximization as the goal, the paper adopts the welfare effects of residents by the relative equivalence and build residents tiered electricity price policy simulation model of low-income users based on social equilibrium. Average and marginal electricity price middle and high income families residential tiered electricity pricing are studied, using the finite difference model, user response of middle and high income family residents tiered electricity price model is constructed. Research results show that low-income households should be provided a certain amount of electricity subsidies and block price gap of middle and high income familiesof should be expanded, which provides the reference for improving relevant electricity price policy for the government.
Keywords/Search Tags:residential tiered electricity pricing, social equilibrium, Ramsey Pricing, benefit evaluation, policy simulation
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