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Research On Long-term Mechanism Mass Line Educational Practice Party

Posted on:2015-01-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1266330422478150Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The basic idea of this study is to elaborate the structure and functions, the innermechanism and running rules of the long-term mechanism of the Party’s Mass Lineeducational and practical activity in detail, which based on the systematical summaryof theoretical origins and looking back of the Party’s history about the emergenceand development of the Mass Line. By discussing on the reality situation of theactivity and combining the further developmental demand of Mass Line in the newera, we have made hard attempt to design the long-term effective mechanism systemof the Party’s Mass Line educational and practical activity and to ensure it operatesin a normal manner. At last, by learning from the precious experiences and stumblesof the Party’s practice on carrying out the Mass Line in the Central Soviet Area andusing the Soviet cadres’ fine work style as an object,we analysis its socialpsychological mechanism and effect and make a comparison between it and thelong-term effective mechanism system of the Party’s Mass Line educational andpractical activity. At the same time, we should make an active use of the experienceof the Party’s anti-corruption in the Central Soviet Area period, and as a result, toreach the goal of carrying out the long-term effective mechanism.Specifically, this paper has four main purposes: one is to summarize thetheoretical origin and historical evolution of the Party’s Mass Line,so that we canput the research on the solid theoretical basis and make a statement accordinghistorical logic. The second purpose is to define and distinguish the related conceptof long-term mechanism of the Party’s Mass line educational and practical activity inthe new era. Such as “the masses”,“citizen”,“the mass line”,“long-termmechanism” and so on. These concepts are often taken for granted by people, butsometimes they are easily confused with other concepts. Therefore, the definition ofthese concepts has become the premise for further study. Thirdly, we try to build atheoretical system about the long-term effective mechanism of the Party’s Mass lineeducational and practical activity, by learning from the results on the mechanism research of economics, political science, sociology, psychology and other disciplinesand using the multi-disciplinary perspective and putting the overall research as astarting point. The four purpose is along the historical and logical thinking, tocompare and analyze the “Soviet cadre style” paradigm with the long-term effectivemechanism system of the Party’s Mass line educational and practical activity, so as toprovide the feasible realistic basis and historical reference of utilizing the long-termeffective mechanism into the mass work practice during the new period.Based on this thought, this paper contains eight chapters: Chapter one is theintroduction. This part mainly elaborates the research background, significance,research status, concept definition and research methods etc. The second chapter isabout the theoretical origin and historical evolution of the Mass Line’s formation anddevelopment. This part mainly discusses its purposiveness and regularity. The thirdchapter focuses on the current situation of the Party’s Mass Line educational andpractical activity. By investigating the progress,results of the activity and people’sattitude, the necessity of building a long-term effective mechanism highlights. Thefourth chapter to the sixth chapter discusses the theoretical framework of thelong-term effective mechanism of the Party’s Mass Line educational and practicalactivity. The fourth chapter introduces the structure and function of the long-termeffective mechanism by elaborating and analyzing its constituent elements,interactive relations among elements and the whole function; The fifth chapteranalyzes the inner mechanism and operation rules of the long-term effectivemechanism. Different from the static analysis of the structure in the last chapter, thispart pays particular attention to the dramatic analysis toward the long-term effectivemechanism. On the one hand, it throws a light on the inner psychological mechanismfrom the view of the subjects during their process of practicing the Mass Line. Onthe other hand, it tries to reveal the operation rules from the perspective of the wholemechanism itself. The sixth chapter specifically discusses the whole system oflong-term effective mechanism, which comprises four sub-mechanism, including themotivation generation mechanism,the ability development mechanism,the benefitrealization mechanism,the evaluation and feedback mechanism etc. Besides, it alsodiscusses the necessary guarantee of the system operation. Chapter7to8hold the purpose of ultimating the historical experience in the central Soviet Area to study thepractical measurement of carrying out the long-term effective mechanism under thepresent conditions. The seventh chapter uses the theoretical patterns of long-termeffective mechanism mentioned above to analyze the psychological mechanism andeffects of the formation and development of the Soviet cadres’ fine work style. Bylearning from its successful experience, it helps promote Party members and cadres’fine style of work, which characterized as for the people, being pragmatic andincorruptibility and it also benefits the formation of long-term effective mechanism.In Chapter8, it makes good use of the successful historical experience ofanti-corruption in the central Soviet Area, such as moral-cultivating probitymechanism, law-regulating probity mechanism, citizen-supervising probitymechanism. As a result, it pushes the constructive process of the presentanti-corruption long-term mechanism in an effective way.
Keywords/Search Tags:CPC, the Mass Line, educational and practical activity, long-termeffective mechanism, the Central Soviet Area, historical experience
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