Transformation is among the most distinctive age characteristics and keydevelopment themes in contemporary China. Transformation of resource-basedeconomy is an issue with overall importance to transformation of economicdevelopment pattern and deepening of economic reform. It is also necessary to achievetarget of overall strategy which build a well-off society in an all-round way andmodernization program. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study thetransformation path of resource-based economy.We find that it is the biggest dilemma of resource-based region that the unbalanced,uncoordinated and unsustainable development. it is difficult to solve by single industrialrestructuring at the core, and even resulting in the new unbalanced, uncoordinated andunsustainable problems that bring about a superposition of old dilemma. With thedevelopment of unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable practice problems, it hasbeen unable to resolve by the traditional development view and transformation theory.The scientific concept of development, a new contribution to Marxist theory, absorbingthe world’s most advanced development view and the essence of Chinese traditionalculture, promoting people-centered, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainabledevelopment, provides a scientific theory to solve the unbalance, uncoordinated andunsustainable issues.According to systematic analysis on development predicament of resource-basedeconomy and in-depth study on defects of traditional transition path, based on PoliticalEconomy, development economics and transition economics theory, this papersystematically applies the principles and methods of scientific development concept andconstructs a new transformation path which conforms to the principle and essence ofpeople-oriented policy, green development, inclusive and sharing society,comprehensive coordination, holistic balance, innovation drived development and adecisive role for the market in resource allocation. The author precisely defines thecontent and goals of this six-in-one transformation, and systematically explores itsimplement, operation, and dynamic mechanism.The new transition path to resource-based regions can be summarized as: on theguidance of scientific development concept, to promote the comprehensivedevelopment of people as the core, to take people-oriented policy, green development, inclusive and sharing as the transitional development issue, to consider thecomprehensive coordination, all-round consideration, innovation-driven andmarket-determined as the methodology, promotes this six-in-one transformation whichinclude the human capital transition, economic restructuring, the transitionalrelationship between urban and rural areas, the transitional ecological improvementpattern, the transitional public services system, and the transitional power support. Ourgoal of the development transition path is to boost human capital, establish a modernindustrial system, achieve integrated development of urban and rural (mining) area,enhance the livelihood and welfare, obtain plenty of transitional power.Our national new transition path of resource-based regions is the universality ofnational transition including all of its features and content,i.e., from the traditionalindustrialization path to the new industrialization road under the conditions of backwardproductivity forces and from socialist planned economy to socialist market economicsystem; the particularity of resource-based transition, i.e. to avoid or get rid of the"resource curse " in economics, which can be induced to "Five changes": from industrialstructure adjustment to man’s all-round development, form resource dependence toinnovation driving, form constraints to friendly in resource and environment, fromextreme development to integrated development in resource-oriented cities, fromrelying on economic growth to society developing in an all-round way.The innovation of this paper lies in: it first studies traditional transformation pathof resource-based region’s economy in China, from both international and domesticperspective, and reveals the profound reasons for overlay of the old and newtransformation predicament. The author proposes the concept of new transformationpath of resource-based region’s economy which applies the principle and methods ofscientific development and clarifies its principle, content, goal, subjective, patterns,timing, means and evaluating indicator system to build a complete theoretical system.The author illustrates that the essential difference between traditional and newtransformation path is whether to regard all-round development of people as the firstprinciple and to make people’s comprehensive development as primary goal. This alsoprovide the core and direction for transformation of human resource, economic structure,urban-rural-relation, ecological control and public service.In this paper, we proceed from theory to empirical work, deductive-inductiveapproaches, unifying history and logic of method, qualitative and quantitative research, combined contradiction theory and systems theory, integrating the economics and othermulti-disciplinary method. |