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Research Of Mexico's Party-corporatist System

Posted on:2015-08-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1316330428975295Subject:Foreign political system
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The party corporatist system of Mexico was established in the1930s when President Cardenas was in reign, which was a component part of the authoritarian politics. During the import institution period, the state maintains the stable operation of this system through high level transfer of payment, and realizes the political stability and economic miracle. Within the later process of development, it is challenged by some economic factors, including the debt crisis in1982and economic crisis in1994. With the transfer of Mexico's economic mode from Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) policy to new liberalism economic policy, the Mexico's party corporatist system begins to change. But, before2000, its fundamental structure had not changed basically. And with the ending of the authoritarian regime, the Mexico's corporatist system changes along with the changes of its "host system". However, the corporatism which is deeply rooted in the political culture remains to be kept. Democracy and corporatism are not essentially contradictory to each other. Many democratic countries in Western Europe have adopted the corporatist system. At the same time, it should be noted that factors which lead to the dissolution of the corporatism may be hidden under the democratic political system. In terms of Mexico's reality, the process of democracy deeply influences the corporatist practices. These changes are multi-leveled and extremely complex. Maybe the original corporatist structure is still resisting this change and the structural changes, nevertheless, the practices of the operation for corporatism have been changed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mexico, Corporatism, The Institutional Revolutionary Party(PRI), Party Corporatist System
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