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Research On Community Governance By Owners'Committee:A Perspective Of Social Innovation Governance

Posted on:2018-08-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:B W HuFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of economy and society and the deep push of system reform,China's economic and social structure has experienced historic transition.The third plenary session of 18 th put forward the conception “social governance innovation” and emphasized that community public affairs should be committed to social organizations which are better for handling by improving social governance methods and dealing with the relationship between government and society.It makes the new era of thinking and practice about social construction.In the new period,the association which not only plays a role in maintaining legitimate interest of homeowners but also realizing democracy at the grassroots level and innovating social governance grows into the constructive force governing the community and the main carrier building the harmonious society.Our study has explored owners' committee governance the core topic of which is to discuss how to govern the public affairs independently.The research studied the four aspects including the essential issue,relationship reconstruction,ability to governance and system construction about owners' committee.The first section is to clarify the essential issue about the objective,content and operational mechanism of homeowner association.Based on the property and function of owners' committee,we defined the objective of owners' committee governance as promoting community public life and clear-cut the content involving real estate maintenance,community advice,community election,cultural and sports activities,image show,neighborhood,community security,circle building and environmental protection by way of face-to-face interview and questionnaire survey.At maintain,we constructed the operational mechanism with the integration of “demand-mobilization-system” model and Huatengyuan Community which hold that the function is to identify demand,mobilize homeowners,build trust,coordinate external relations and promote cooperation.Drawing from the theory of structural functionalism,competency model and institutionalism,we made the inference that the base is to reconstruct the internal and external relations,the core is to build the governance ability,and the safeguard is to set up system.At first,we proposed the doctrine of reconstructing community relations “convenience for governance”.Under the guidance of this doctrine,the owners' committee should act as the core actor and construct the new cooperative network between homeowners,neighborhood committee and sub-district office.Second,ability to governance contains seven factors such as identifying demand,coordination,resource integration,mobilization,planning.In order to promote governance ability,recruiting candidates and training should be placed more emphasis.At last,we need to invest into system building in community election,decision,supervision.The owners' committee not only involves the community public affairs but also reshapes the existing power structure and the new social relations.Our study has explored owners' committee governance from the perspective of social governance innovation and reached the expected objective,which to some degree enrich the theory about community governance and is good for promoting ability to community governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:owners'committee governance, demand mobilization system, competency model
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