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On The Transcendence Of Marx's Concept Of Proletarian Revolution

Posted on:2020-06-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:P L MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330602455545Subject:Marxist philosophy
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Marx was first and foremost a revolutionary.The concept of "proletarian revolution" is a core category of Marx's revolutionary thought and an important theoretical exploration of Marx's attempt to transcend the limitations of modern bourgeois revolution.However,contrary to the dual limitations of reality and the times,people's understanding and criticism of Marx's concept of "proletarian revolution" is largely influenced and restricted by the "modern revolution" paradigm.From the standpoint of rigorous theoretical thinking,this not only limits the theoretical height and ideological space that Marx's concept of "proletarian revolution" should have,but also loses the transcendence of the concept of proletarian revolution,making the theory of proletarian revolution largely confined to modern empiricism and idealism.In the new realm of Marx's understanding of modern society,the "proletarian revolution" is not only a form of modern political practice,but also a future existence that transcends the modern bourgeois revolution and the original idea of the revolution.This is a major theoretical plan for the future social transformation of mankind.Therefore,the reflection and interpretation of Marx's "proletarian revolution" should be based on a higher theoretical thinking interface and a more fundamental philosophical problem.If the category of "bourgeois revolution" in modern politics names the revolution itself in modern history,the revolution is completely placed in the secular and empirical territory,and it obscures the original idea of the "revolution" in the history of Western thought and the fundamental problem of political philosophy.Then,the concept of "proletarian revolution" is not only aimed at restoring and rediscovering the inherent historical connotation and spiritual essence of the original concept of "revolution",but also a road to the future revolution that seeks to transcend the classical and modern revolutionary categories.Based on this,this paper refers to the existing research results of modern political scholars,tries to seek the transcendental meaning of the concept of "proletarian revolution",and aims to demonstrate the transcendental interest of the concept of proletarian revolution to the ideas of bourgeois revolution and classical revolution.This paper is divided into three chapters.The first chapter discusses the political and philosophical connotations of the modern revolution and its theoretical limitations.This thesis re-reflects the political and historical limits of the modern revolution from the perspective of modern politics and modern history,and points out that the modern revolution has two fundamental dogmas from the beginning: First,the modern bourgeois revolution relies on the cognitive and practical categories of "individuals/subjects" constructed by modern philosophy and political philosophy.The individual subject is the main theoretical fulcrum of the modern revolution.However,the “individual/subject” category itself has inherent theoretical and practical limits,which is also the limit of modern politics;Second,linear vector time is the main time characteristic and basis of modern historicism.The modern revolution has turned to the nihilistic abyss of "continuous revolution" in the foundation of the ideology of historicism.As the "unconscious" form of the modern revolution,the scientific and technological revolution and the economic revolution have become the way of thinking of the modern revolution to a certain extent.This is a misplacement of the times and paradigms of the paradigm.In the dual limits of modern politics and modern history,the modern image of the revolution is shaped.In the end,the "modernity" interface,as the fundamental boundary of the modern revolution,completed the cycle and closure of its own meaning.This is not only the crisis and limitations contained in the modern revolution,but also an opportunity for people to rethink the original ideas and images of the revolution.The second chapter traces the original intention of "revolution" in classical thought,and makes a possible interpretation of classical political philosophy about the original idea of the revolution and the original image from the historical and theoretical perspectives.The re-exploration of the original ideas and images of the revolution is a re-recognition,re-commenting,and re-memory,aimed at returning home to a distant and ancient soul home.The original idea of the revolution is the reference to the circulation of the universe's celestial bodies.In the interface of modernity,its meaning has become simplistic and physical.However,in the theoretical perspective of classical political philosophy,this cosmological meaning is profound.The paradigm of cosmic celestial movement has rich symbolic,sacred and metaphysical implications in the field of classical political philosophy.It has a more fundamental problem orientation and a deeper ontological meaning than the revolutionary modernity.In addition to trying to explain the overall order of the universe,the cosmological tradition in classical political philosophy also explains how the living body is produced.It involves the ancient people's fundamental reflection on "political system","humanity" and "time".As an intermediary existence,human beings do not have the main meaning of modern politics and modern revolution,but are in a stream of manifestation of time and eternity,humanity and divinity.At the same time,the operation of cosmic celestial bodies is the highest symbol and metaphor for eternal,order and harmony.As Plato said,the orderly operation of cosmic celestial bodies is the perfect model of the city on the ground.Therefore,the "revolutionary idea" in classical thought is more limited to a static and eternal aesthetic intuition,ignoring the dynamic practicality and time dimension of modern politics.On the one hand,the modern bourgeois revolution lost the metaphysical meaning of the original idea of revolution in the operation of empiricism and positivism.On the other hand,in the support of modern science and technology and economicism,its practice and time went backward.In this sense,the concept of the proletarian revolution reopened the situation for the renewal of the meaning of the revolution itself.The third chapter analyzes the transcendental dimension of the concept of "proletarian revolution" on the basis of the discussion of the first two chapters.The thesis mainly analyzes the core concepts of "proletariat","the dimension of time of historical materialism",and "the union of communism and free people".The paper points out that the concept of proletarian revolution has a dual vision of theory and practice,empiricism and transcendence.Compared with the bourgeois revolution in modern politics,the proletarian revolution has a position of truth and possesses the existence of revolutionary ideas.Compared with the revolutionary ideas in the perspective of classical thought,the concept of proletarian revolution has a new practical dimension of time horizon.Although the "working class" contained in the category of "proletarian revolution" is a simple category about social reality and experience,the "proletariat" as the real revolutionary subject is about the category of truth.It is a “non-existence” outside the symbolic system of capitalist ideology,and it is a true civil society class that does not belong to the civil society class.If the proletarian ideology is used in the form required by the bourgeois ideological leadership,it is to abandon the future of the proletarian ideology – and thus give up its present.For the proletariat,truth is the weapon of victory.The proletariat as the category of truth represents the reply and reflection of the original authentic state of man.It is a theoretical metaphor from the complete loss of man to the complete regain of man.It should be explained and interpreted in the theoretical interface beyond the modern "individual/subject" category.On the one hand,this transcendence expresses the theoretical consciousness of the bourgeois revolutionary limits in modern politics.On the other hand,the inherent practical dimension of the proletarian concept also highlights the sublation of the revolutionary ideas in the perspective of classical thought;as the historical and philosophical foundation of the proletarian revolution,the historical materialism category contains the temporal elements and characteristics higher than the capitalist social form."Historical materialism is a recollection of origin”,On the one hand,it represents and transcends the temporal characteristics of modern linear time view.On the other hand,it breaks through the static eternal representation of revolutionary ideas in the perspective of classical thought,giving time and history practical meaning.In this sense,the "proletarian revolution" in the dimension of historical materialism can only be a modern revolution that transcends the dimension of linear historicalism and responds to the perfect time and eternal time of the original ideas and images of the revolution;The "communist" concept and the "combination of free people" pointed out in the category of "proletarian revolution" are the reflection and exploration of Marx's fundamental problems of political system and human beings in a higher social form that transcends the capitalist social form.It is the perfect political system of Marx's version.This is a higher-level social form based on the comprehensive and free development of each individual.It is the other side of the real material production field and the kingdom of freedom.The combination of free men is not only a sublation of the "individual/subject" category in the bourgeois revolution,but also a transcendence of the divine subject of the revolutionary classical concept.In summary,the transcendental meaning of the concept of proletarian revolution expresses Marx's re-reflection and foundation for the fundamental problems in political philosophy under the conditions of modern capitalism,which also provides a useful guide for the development of revolutionary theory in the new era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern Revolution, the Primal Idea of Revolution, Proletarian Revolution, Marx, Transcendence
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