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Research On Marx's View Of Justice And Its Contemporary Value

Posted on:2019-09-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C B TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330620464429Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marx's works contain rich thoughts of justice,which are hidden and not obvious.And on the surface,Marx's attitude towards justice is contradictory.On the one hand,in Marx's mature works,he always regarded "equal","just" and "equal" moral concepts as ideology,and held a critical attitude towards these ideology.On the other hand,when people read Marx's works,they will have a direct feeling that they are full of strong moral indignation towards capitalism.The contradiction makes people a question: what is the relationship between Marx and justice?It is very important to answer the question of the relationship between Marx and justice,because it is related to the two aspects.One is that we china is a socialist country,to strengthen the pursuit of justice and faith,will in theory for the rationality of socialist justice defense,it is necessary to study deeply the text of Marx's concept of justice,for doctrinal basis from Marx's concept of justice.Two is the contemporary Chinese created a social justice problem is more serious,to correctly understand and solve the problems of contemporary social justice China,also has in-depth study of the system of Marx's concept of justice is necessary,so as to provide theoretical resources for us to solve the problem of fairness and justice.The first chapter gives an overview of Marx's view of justice.Marx's view of justice is based on the western concept of justice.The western concept of justice includes the ancient concept of justice and the modern concept of justice.The ancient Western concept of justice is mainly contained in the political philosophy of Platon and Aristotle.Platon's "personal" with theory of virtue justice to the development of the theory of justice polis system.Aristotle has made a systematic study of the question of justice in the political science.In modern political philosophy,the concept of justice evolved into the concept of capitalist justice,and under the efforts of many bourgeois theorists,the concept of capitalist justice has been more and more complete.In Marx's view of justice,justice has three main meanings.The first is that justice has the meaning of freedom,and the freedom that Marx understands is human centered,emotional and socialized freedom.The two is the meaning of justice and equality,and the equality that Marx understands is the equality between man's free personality as man itself.The three is the meaning of the efficiency of justice.The efficiency that Marx understands is actually the productivity itself.Marx's view of justice has realized the innovative development of western justice concept.First,it deepens the connotation of justice;two,it develops the theme of justice;three,it innovates the way of realizing justice.The second chapter has combed the process of Marx's view of justice.The forming process of Marx's view of justice consists of four periods of germination,transformation,formation and maturity.Marx's concept of justice sprouted from the doctoral dissertation period.During the Rhine newspaper,the concept of justice still persisted in the doctoral dissertation period.In this period,Marx's justice view is similar to the natural law justice view.The experience of the Rhine newspaper,especially the problem of material interests,has shaken the foundation of Marx's whole world outlook and contributed to the change of Marx's view of justice.The concept of justice in Marx the first paper change is the "critique of Hagel's philosophy",in this paper,Marx reverses the relationship between the state and civil society,the birth of the historical materialism as the theoretical preparation.The second important document is "on the Jewish question".By criticizing the capitalist political state and the right of law,Marx discussed the limitations of political emancipation,and initially revealed that the key to human liberation is not political state but civil society.After that,Marx revealed the structure of the civil society in the economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844,and criticized the justice of the civil society through the concept of alienation.Marx's concept of justice is based on the formation of a new world outlook,so Marx in the "outline of Feuerbach" to construct the logical starting point of the concept of justice,and in the "German Ideology" has laid a theoretical foundation for the concept of justice,which marks the foundation of Marx's view of meaning has been taken,the justice view formed.Marx mature concept of justice is mainly embodied in the "Das Kapital" and "critique of the Gotha Program".Marx reveals the internal contradictions of capitalist mode of production in Das Kapital,and holds that the root of capitalist injustice lies in the internal contradictions of its production mode.Its contradiction hinders the development of productive forces,and Marx's concept of justice is completely formed.In the "critique of the Gotha Program",according to Marx LaSalle's wrong views,put forward the construction of justice to adapt to the future social outlook,reiterated the essence of Marx's concept of justice,which marks Marx's concept of justice really mature.The third chapter sums up the main contents of Marx's view of justice.Marx's view of justice includes a critical view of justice and a constructive view of justice.Marx's critical conception of justice mainly from three aspects,one is the economic aspects of the capitalist mode of production of justice criticism,Marx reveals the inefficiency of capitalist mode of production;the two is the political aspects of the capitalist law justice criticism,Marx believes that the state power is determined by the capitalist mode of production,so right only in the form of justice;three was launched from the ideology of criticizing the capitalism concept of justice,Marx analyzed the metaphysical nature of capitalism the justice value concept,reveals the capitalist concept of justice ideology has characteristics of fantasy.Marx's constructive concept of justice regards human liberation as the goal of justice.Marx's understanding of human emancipation is the social liberation of mankind,and inevitably requires the social form of communism.Marx believes that human liberation can not be achieved through moral criticism,and the absolute nature of the development of productive forces determines the inevitability of the realization of a just society.Marx also believes that human liberation is not a perfect "natural process,human practice and promote the realization of social justice,history itself is a human activity,and all of Marx in capitalist society is to give human practice specified true revolution object.The fourth chapter analyses the theoretical characteristics of Marx's view of justice.Marx's view of justice has three theoretical features.First,Marx's view of justice has scientific theoretical characteristics.The science of Marx's concept of justice refers to historical materialism as its theoretical basis,that any justice is determined by the economic foundation;Marx's concept of justice is the reflection of the inner contradiction of capitalist mode of production,the concept of justice and capitalism had essentially different;Marx's concept of justice of law adhere to the development of social history,do not advocate the blind pursuit of justice beyond the stage of historical development.The two is that Marx's view of justice has the theoretical characteristics of transcendence.Marx's concept of justice denied the capitalist private ownership,as long as is based on private ownership,we can not really also subvert the overthrow of capitalism;labor ownership principle,Marx reveals the ownership of labor will turn to its opposite end;beyond the capitalist mode of production,Marx opposed the distributive justice that is,the distribution is determined by the capitalist way things off,only to overthrow the capitalist mode of production to realize communism.The three is a revolutionary character,and its revolutionary feature is that Marx's view of justice has carried out the thought of dialectics and never worshiping anything.In addition,Marx's concept of justice is not a purely theoretical study,must be transformed into dynamic practice,and promote the development of human society to.Marx's concept of justice is still firmly in the proletarian position of the concept of justice,that the proletariat is the pioneer of the bourgeois gravedigger and the society in the future.The fifth chapter discusses the contemporary theoretical value of Marx's view of justice.There are three theoretical values in Marx's view of justice.First,it is beneficial to strengthen people's belief in Marx's doctrine.Deep understanding is the premise of faith,and Marx's view of justice can help us to understand the essence of Marx's theory more deeply.The two is to provide theoretical resources for the construction of the theory of socialist justice with Chinese characteristics.With the emergence of contemporary China various issues of social justice,people on social justice are increasing,which has an urgent requirement of the Chinese special theory of socialist justice,socialist China should pursue what kind of justice is an urgent question,Marx's view of justice is the theoretical source of building socialism Chinese justice theory.Three is has an important influence on the contemporary western concept of justice,Marx's view of justice has a direct impact on Rawls' s theory of justice,also strongly refutes Nozick's libertarian theory of justice,justice of communitarianism also played an important role in promoting.Marx's concept of justice is put forward on the basis of historical materialism and the theory of political and economic criticism.It covers the vision of Western Contemporary Justice and has important theoretical value in the contemporary era.The sixth chapter discusses the contemporary practical value of Marx's view of justice.The contemporary practical value of Marx's view of justice has three points.First,it provides a coordinate for people to correctly evaluate the justice of the practice of reform and opening up.With the deepening of reform and opening-up,emerge in an endless stream new social problems and social contradictions in contemporary Chinese,justice of the people on how to evaluate the reform and opening up will have a different understanding of Marx's concept of justice as a theoretical coordinates,provides criteria for our understanding of contemporary China justice reform and Opening-up practice,both can help people to correctly understand the justice problem in the process of reform and opening,but also allow people to establish a firm belief of social fairness and justice.Two is of great significance to guide the building of a just society in contemporary China.Nowadays many people in the future China reform should have different understanding of where to go,justice is not only a theoretical problem,it is related to the current important problems of social stability and future Chinese social and historical development process,and Marx's concept of justice is of great significance to guide the practice of reform and opening up China future direction the.The three is Marx's concept of justice still has a critical significance for today's capitalist society,although there have been many significant changes in the capitalist world,but Marx's view of justice criticism of the capitalist political state,mode of production,ideology and ecological problems,is still valid and profound,contemporary capitalist society does not go beyond justice Marx the concept of critical range from general.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, the view of justice, contemporary value, ideology, historical materialism
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