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An investigation into quality assurance in Internet-based education as defined by higher education organizations

Posted on:2008-10-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Fountain, SharonFull Text:PDF
Quality assurance for virtual education is relevant because of the growth of technology-mediated distance learning. This growth in distance learning could change the future of higher education. The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) commissioned the Institute for Higher Education Policy and other federal and state policy makers to investigate the topics of quality in distance learning. This study investigated those findings noting the importance, presence, of the benchmarks for Internet-based education. This study also investigated to see if other benchmarks not being used could be incorporated into the existing ones. The terms virtual education, technology-mediated learning, online education, distance learning, distance education, distributed-mediated learning and online learning were used interchangeably throughout this research, all referring to Internet-based education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Education, Quality assurance, Distance learning
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