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The Impacts of Alternative Alliance Partner Policies of Big Pharmaceutical Firms and Their Smaller Biotechnology Partner Firms: A System Dynamics Approach

Posted on:2011-01-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Claremont Graduate UniversityCandidate:Moncrief, Kevin WarrenFull Text:PDF
lliances between big pharmaceutical firms (BPF) and smaller biotechnology firms (BIOF) are increasing. The 20 largest BPF firms formed nearly 1,500 alliances with BIOFs between 1977 and 2002 (Lam 2004). Over half of the current 20 best-selling BPF prescription drugs were co-developed, co-marketed, or in-license with BIOF firms, accounting for 40 percent of BPF revenues (Lam 2004). However, sixty percent of drug discovery alliances fail to achieve expected results---half for non-technical reasons (Laroia and Krishnan 2005). Nonetheless, alliances are becoming more important for BPF firms because alliances help them to meet or exceed competitive growth rate projections.;This dissertation explores the effect of BPF firm management policies on creating and fostering alliances with partner firms. The study had main objectives. (1) Analyze the Patterns and Trends in BPF/BIOF Alliances. (2) Develop a Framework for Modeling the Alliances. (3) Test the Validity of the System Dynamics Model.;Study ;In Study...
Keywords/Search Tags:Firms, BPF, Alliances, Partner
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