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A path analysis of factors that effect student satisfaction in the online learning environment

Posted on:2006-02-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Touro University InternationalCandidate:Kiriakidis, PeterFull Text:PDF
This research study examined and analyzed the extent and nature of the relationship between student satisfaction in the online learning environment, both the extent and type of instructor asynchronous discourse, and the extent of student asynchronous discourse at different academic levels. Results, based on a quantitative path analysis model and multiple regression analyses, indicated that (a) the extent of instructor discourse during online discussions was greater than the extent of student discourse, (b) online instructors used both facilitative discourse and direct instruction, and (c) students within each academic level were satisfied with the online learning environment, and (d) student discourse fosters student satisfaction more at the bachelors and masters academic levels than the doctorate academic level. This study provided meaningful insights toward pedagogical theory and corresponding instructional practices associated with student satisfaction within the post-secondary online learning environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Student satisfaction, Online learning, Extent
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