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A phenomenological study: The influence of professional athletes' unethical behavior on amateur athletes

Posted on:2013-03-05Degree:D.MType:Dissertation
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:Pawlak, Dustin JonFull Text:PDF
The intent of this qualitative study was to identify the ethical decision-making process of a highly competitive group of athletes. The study focused on the experiential environment of the college athletes to gain the athletes' perceptions and beliefs in relation to professional athletes' unethical actions. This study was designed to draw attention to the impact the lack of ethics within professional athletics has on adult student athletes. The research findings provide parents, coaches, athletic directors, trainers, mentors, and athletes a better understanding of what adult student athletes consider unethical behavior. More important, the research illustrates if collegiate athletes find the unethical actions of professional athletes negatively affect their decision-making process. Fourteen college athletes were interviewed from an accredited university. Many collegiate athletes that participated in the study remarked that the actions of some professional athletes; although unethical, did not influence their own ethical decision-making process. The results of the study revealed that although college students are cognizant of the unethical behaviors and decisions of some professional athletes, the athletes' perceptions and beliefs are not negatively influenced.
Keywords/Search Tags:Athletes, Unethical, Ethical decision-making process, Perceptions and beliefs
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