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Growth and decline: A causal comparative study of two rural communities

Posted on:2002-09-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Alarie, W. B. BillieFull Text:PDF
This is a causal comparative study of two similar towns of the upper Midwest. Their growth and decline over a period of time are studied in order to understand change and development in each town. Finding the reasons for growth and decline in their recent history, is the primary purpose of this study, especially the dramatic growth and decline during the past twenty years. The research questions are: (1) What variables account for the apparent growth or decline of the communities? (2) Did those changes affect or contribute to the growth or decline? (3) Do the perceptions of current day members of these two communities reflect awareness of these variables and the impact on their community? (4) Is the reason for growth or decline something other than the changes covered in this study'?;Neither town is located on an Interstate highway, neither has mountains and over the past fifty years their size has been similar, however, their economic state has varied, especially during the last two decades. The study determines the reasons for the varied economic state, aside from the state and national economic well-being. Local economic situations can and do vary from the over-all picture, therefore there is a reason for any differences and this study is to find what those reasons are and how the leadership of the towns affected the outcome.;The findings include the fact that due to technological changes in agricultural production starting in the 1980s, and improved transportation making people more mobile and willing to travel longer distances; tourism declined in one town while it grew greatly in the other town. All of which added to the present situation in the two towns.;The study also includes information of available help for rural communities from the federal government and from private industry as well as some examples of successful projects undertaken to improve local development of small communities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Growth and decline, Communities, Town
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