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International conflict diffusion: Adding general conflict factors to the mix

Posted on:2001-03-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas A&M UniversityCandidate:Mayhar, James AnthonyFull Text:PDF
GTID:1466390014957300Subject:Political science
Researchers studying the diffusion of international conflict have focused on a variety of factors, including geographic proximity, geographic contiguity, alliance behaviors, and, in limited cases, physical geographic factors. Empirical evidence from these studies suggests that these components must be included in models of conflict diffusion. The more general conflict literature, however, suggests that numerous other factors are important in cases of war initiation. The primary purpose of this project is to provide theory linking these factors to the previously utilized conflict diffusion factors and to provide empirical evidence to support that theory. The project achieved the objectives of developing an enhanced theory and providing empirical support for that theory. Certain components of the model did not behave as expected, however, providing avenues for additional exploration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conflict, Factors, Diffusion, Theory
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