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The 'Observer' model: A media reformation for covering the 1992 presidential election campaign

Posted on:1997-09-21Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of OklahomaCandidate:Hovind, Mark BurkettFull Text:PDF
GTID:1466390014980322Subject:American Studies
Every four years the media cover the presidential election. Often the aftermath of this coverage leads to heightened criticism of the media's performance, which in turn leads to reforms. In keeping with this dictum, The Poynter Institute for Media Studies and The Charlotte Observer combined forces in 1992 to create a reformation of the Observer's election coverage. The result was a project they entitled "Your Vote in '92."; In a content analysis of this project, the research project reported here determined that the Poynter/Observer was only marginally successful. It was unable to eliminate all the negative aspects of the Observer's traditional election coverage. Additionally, they were unable to institute all the solutions or positive elements they had envisioned. In conclusion, it was determined that although the Observer's election coverage was different from that of previous years, this difference did not substantially improve election coverage.
Keywords/Search Tags:Election, Coverage, Media
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