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Design and evaluation of a personalized Web-based instructional system: An action research approach

Posted on:2003-05-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Temple UniversityCandidate:Davis, Erica SFull Text:PDF
Two iterations of an Internet-based, PSI, undergraduate, social psychology course were evaluated using an action research (AR) approach. To assess the effectiveness of this innovative instructional strategy, performance and attitude criteria, defined in the organizational training and computer usability literature, were measured through formative and summative evaluations. Three modifications were made from the first to the second iteration: (a) students were granted more freedom to self-pace, (b) the mastery criterion for unit quizzes was raised from 70% correct to 80% correct, and (c) the instructor sent out weekly class emails, including a report of each student's progress. At the end of the second iteration, a qualitative comparison was conducted to determine whether these structural modifications enhanced the course.; Overall, it was found that the combination of the Internet and PSI was a successful instructional strategy for teaching social psychology. In addition, AR was an effective research model for evaluating and modifying the course during and after implementation. Last, the labor-intensive problems previously associated with PSI were mitigated without any evidence of uniqueness issues or technological effects. Implications for student self-pacing, future applications of PSI in other settings and the positive effect of PSI on improving Internet-based instruction are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:PSI, Instructional
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