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Knowledge management as an indication of organizational maturity in project management: An enhancement of the OPM3(c) model

Posted on:2011-01-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Smith, Dedrick AFull Text:PDF
GTID:1469390011970366Subject:Business Administration
This dissertation reviews the knowledge management's role in organizational maturity in project management. It draws a direct linked between organizational maturity knowledge channels both informal and then formal and organizational project management maturity. The study uses a mixed method approach through online and telephone surveys that draws specific conclusions that organizations use first informal then formal knowledge channels as they become mature in the PM domain. It suggests, for practical purposes, that organizations should use the Project Management Institute's Organizational Project Management Maturity Model to measure their maturity and effectiveness within the domain, and for theoretical purposes that the PMI should update the model to include these informal and formal knowledge sharing and transfer mechanisms.
Keywords/Search Tags:Project management, Organizational maturity, Formal knowledge
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