The Common Core State Standards calls for increased text complexity in grades two through twelve and introduces a three-part model for text complexity. Anchor Standard 10 describes increased reading level ranges assigned to grade level bands. Reading teachers use professional judgement as they consider qualitative aspects of text, as well as reader and task dimensions to determine text complexity levels. This study investigated teachers' perspectives of text complexity as outlined by the Common Core State Standards. The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate teachers' perspectives of text complexity, how educators in an elementary school described their lived experiences as they implemented the text complexity standard, and the ways that teachers made meaning of text complexity as they help students work toward the reading goals outlined by the Common Core State Standards.;This phenomenological study utilized three rounds of interviews with eight elementary school reading teachers. Data revealed teacher perspectives of text complexity that aligned with the quantitative and qualitative descriptions provided by the Common Core State Standards, specifically Lexile levels and vocabulary. Participants' descriptions of learning focused on time spent working with students and more complex text. Participants' descriptions of their lived experiences revealed a lack of professional learning, a "trial and error" approach, a focus on book levels, and teacher uncertainty. Future research should investigate teachers' perspectives of text complexity at other grade levels, with larger sample sizes, and different populations. |