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An Aesthetic Interpretation Of The Key Words In Zhouyi

Posted on:2020-10-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485305882488364Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The aesthetic thoughts of Zhouyi are embodied in the hexagram images,hexagram lines and ten wings.The five hexagram images of Qian,Kun,Tongren,Li and Bi in 64 hexagrams represent the five aesthetic images of "heaven","earth","man","fire" and "literature" in Zhouyi respectively,forming five aesthetic ideas of "worshipping heaven","loving earth","companion with people","attaching beauty" and "beauty of cultural face".It has become the five key words of aesthetics in Zhouyi.In the construction of Chinese aesthetics,"human" is at the core.Firstly,"human" is not only the creative subject of "beauty",but also the "beauty" itself.It can be said that "human" not only creates beauty,but also appreciates beauty,but also is the object of appreciation.Civilization can not be separated from the creation of human beings.The "human" and "heaven" and "earth" in Zhouyi constitute the beauty of the three talents in Zhouyi.The aesthetics of "Heaven","Earth" and "Man" are mainly embodied in the hexagrams of "Qian","Kun" and "Tongren".The process of human evolution needs a carrier to preserve and record,"Wen" is such a carrier,"Wen" is the earliest pattern depicted on the wall or on people.The hexagrams in Zhouyi are Yin and Yang,which are composed of lines.Some lines are the images and ornaments of primitive people expressing their aesthetic ideas.They are presented in the form of "Wen",so as the origin and origin of aesthetics in Zhouyi,"Wen" is another important key word to show Chinese aesthetics."Wen" also extends the aesthetic significance of "civilization","literature" and "culture".In the hexagram image of "Zhouyi",the hexagram of "Li" shows the beautiful civilization,while the hexagram of "Bi" shows the origin and development of Chinese cultural aesthetics;"Xiang" is the unique aesthetics in "Zhouyi",which complements "Wen",but develops under the promotion of "Wen".Big.Therefore,the aesthetic spirit in Zhouyi is hidden in the five hexagrams of Qian,Kun,Tongren,Li and Bi.They also explain the broad and brilliant essence of Chinese aesthetics from the three perspectives of "human","literary" and "image".The aesthetic interpretation of Zhouyi in this paper will also be based on these five hexagrams,revealing the aesthetic value behind them from the perspectives of "human","literary" and "image".The first chapter is a general introduction,focusing on the internal relationship between the hexagram name of Zhouyi and the aesthetics of Zhouyi.As the key word of aesthetics in Zhouyi,many hexagrams in Zhouyi have root,coordinate and transposition,so a hexagram image is a key word.Among them,the five hexagrams of Qian,Kun,Tongren,Li and Bi represent the five aesthetic levels of "Chongtian","Loving Earth","Tongren","Affiliating Beauty" and "Culture".Thus,the aesthetic system of Zhouyi is formed,and the traditional Chinese aesthetic thoughts are spoken and developed in a holistic way.In the second chapter,I talk about "Qian" hexagram as the key word."Qian"represents the image of "Heaven".As the first hexagram of sixty-four hexagrams,"Qian" hexagram also contains the aesthetic origin of Zhouyi.Therefore,it is said that "Qian can benefit the world from the beauty " and "Qian's beauty is the beauty of"benefiting the world".At the same time,"Qian" is also a "healthy" symbol,which represents the aesthetic image of robust and masculine.The vigorous aesthetics has always been praised by the Chinese people.It has certain similarities with the lofty aesthetics of the West,but also has the unique characteristics of the Oriental aesthetics,and thus extends the appreciation of "grandeur" by foreigners.Unlike"lofty" aesthetics,Chinese people do not feel "pain" and "fear" in their aesthetic experience of "masculinity" and "grandeur".This is because the Chinese people formed the cultural pattern of "Central Plains Centralism" under the background of farming civilization.Under such aesthetic background,the early Chinese people formed the consciousness of "obeying heaven" on the one hand,and on the other hand,in the long historical process of harmonious coexistence with nature represented by "heaven",the "human" as the aesthetic subject,its own spiritual value is also constant.In the awakening,therefore,Chinese aesthetics advocates"heaven" instead of "heaven-only",advocates "the coexistence of heaven and man"and even "the unity of heaven and man".Therefore,it is said,"heaven is healthy,and gentlemen are constantly striving for self-improvement." The "Qian" hexagram preserves the heavenly color in Chinese aesthetics.In the third chapter,I talk about "Kun" hexagram as the key word.Compared with "Qian" hexagram,"Kun" has the image of "gentle beauty","tolerance" and "gestation",which makes it shine with the Qian hexagram "Yin and Yang" and formsthe unique "Yin and Yang" aesthetics in Zhouyi and even in Chinese culture.In fact,Chinese aesthetics belongs to the aesthetics of "adoring Yang and loving yin",while the tenderness of "kun" hexagram,like land,accepts and embraces all things in the world,and shows vigorous vitality in quiet beauty.?Tuan·Yi? says,"Heaven and earth are born." As the image of "Kun" hexagram,"land" symbolizes life and home in ancient Chinese culture.The aesthetics of “lovingyin”,which originated from the hexagram of "Kun",also reflects the strong love complex of the Chinese ancestors.Chinese people's attachment to land has turned into appreciation of life and worship of ancestors.In the spiritual belief of "caution death and value ancester",the Chinese people have the aesthetic feelings of nostalgia for their homeland and love for their country.We regard the earth as our mother's attachment and worship,and thus derive a distinct and profound maternal culture.In the forth chapter,I talk about the hexagram of "Tongren" as the key word,"Tongren" has the following meaning: "Civilization should be healthy,honesty should be,and gentleman should be honest." Therefore,the hexagram of "Tongren" contains the beauty of personality with civilization as its virtue in ancient China.?Zhouyi Zhengyi?: "Tongren".That's harmonious with person.It can be seen that "Tongren" aesthetics shows the beauty of "neutrality"."Zhongzheng" represents honesty,which not only praises the noble character of gentlemen,but also builds the spiritual backbone of the Chinese national aesthetics.The praise of "Zhongzheng" originates from the aesthetic experience of the people's "Central Plains Is the Center".On the other hand,"harmony" is the ideal pursuit implied in the hexagram of "Tongren",which is of great significance to the construction of social ethical aesthetics.In order to achieve the political ideal of "harmony in the earth",the ancient Chinese society developed a set of cultural patterns derived from the aesthetic thought of "neutralization"-the "ritual and music" culture.That is,through the "music" and "ritual" to educate the world,and ultimately achieve "all things are changed,all things are different".This is in common with the ideal of "the will of the same world and distinguish things by all races" in the hexagram "Tongren".The highest realm of "Tongren" is "Datong",but the process of realizing this ideal is extremely tortuous and repetitive.Therefore,the hexagram of "Tongren" also metaphors the sense of distress and optimism in Zhouyi,and contains the beauty of personality of "promising" and "regretless".In the fifth chapter,I talk about “Li” hexagram as the key word.Li hexagram symbolizes the attached beauty.It also has the meaning of culture and civilization in the aesthetic interpretation of Zhouyi.However,the original meaning of "Li" may be a legendary bird name,from "bird name" to "Luo","Li" then derives the meaning of "fire",and "fire" symbolizes the origin of civilization,so "Li" has cultural and civilized significance.With the further explanation of "separation" in Yi Zhuan,the aesthetic significance of "the beauty of attached" hidden in it has also begun to awaken.The thought of attaching beauty to "Li" profoundly influenced the aesthetic value orientation of the Chinese people,and embodied the aesthetic grasp of the relationship between the whole and movement in Zhouyi,which is said to be the profundity of Chinese aesthetic thought.Meanwhile,the hexagrams of "Li" have a brilliant Poetic wisdom.From the hexagrams of "Li",we can also discover the wisdom of poetic aesthetics contained in Zhouyi.The hexagrams in Zhouyi use many forms,such as parable,fable,legend and so on,and show the poetic wisdom of the people of that era by expressing their deep feelings in poetry.In the sixth chapter I talk about the hexagram of "Bi" as the key word,"culture" is derived from the hexagram of "Bi" : "looking at the human culture,in order to change the world".The word "culture" contains two concepts,namely "literary" and "change".As one of the most important keywords in the Chinese Cultual Literatures,the meaning of "Wen" has changed from "ornament" to "culture" in abstract sense,which has experienced a long historical process such as knotting notes.The symbols of hexagrams and tablets in Zhouyi were also a kind of ornamental symbols in the beginning.At first,people formed the concepts of Yin and Yang and five elements,and explained and interpreted their cultural meanings,while "transformation" symbolized change and evolution.Zhouyi's originally meaning is the Book of divination,during which the rudiment of witchcraft culture was recorded.However,with the interpretation of the ancient classics in “Yizhuan”,its witchcraft meaning declined,while its aesthetic significance was highlighted.At the same time,the poetic wisdom in Zhouyi gradually had some rational factors,which reflected the evolution process of the aesthetic culture of changing.The beauty of Imagery in Zhouyi is the extension of its culture.The image aesthetics in Zhouyi contains two important propositions,that is,"taking images from objects" and "making full meaning of images".The hexagrams and inscriptions in Zhouyi have profoundimage beauty,and the subjective choice of "object" reflects the ability of Chinese ancestors to skillfully use "conscious symbol" for aesthetic appreciation.In Zhouyi,"image" also experiences the process of transmission and reconstruction from "material image" to "mental image" and then to "image"."Imagery to the fullest extent" proves that "image" possesses the characteristics of "small metaphor to great extent" and "single to rich" because of its variety and polysemy.This is the charm of image aesthetics in Zhouyi.The conclusion summarizes the theoretical significance and value of aesthetic interpretation of Zhouyi.As a key word,the hexagrams in Zhouyi are comprehensive and holistic in aesthetic interpretation.Taking Zhouyi as the text and its five hexagrams as the key words,the author takes himself into the role of a preserver and interpreter,and tries to express the aesthetic value of the unshadowed state behind them,trying to show the aesthetic significance of Zhouyi to the existent.It also expects to provide a possibility for research for the interpretation of keywords.
Keywords/Search Tags:keywords of Zhouyi, aesthetic interpretation, hexagram name, hexagram image
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