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Research On Marx's Space Thought

Posted on:2022-05-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306338965569Subject:China Politics and International Politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Space issues concern the survival and development of mankind.In the history of philosophy,it is Marx who really cuts into the deep context of modernity and examines space issues from the perspective of historical materialism.It is true that Marx did not have a systematic space theory and explicit space discourse,but we cannot say that Marx did not have a profound space thought.The profoundness of Marx's space thought is that he not only incorporates space issues into human practice activities and historical laws for inspection,but also incorporates it into capital logic for inspection,and incorporates it into human freedom and liberation for inspection.To explore Marx's space thought,it is necessary to understand Marx's concept of space.Marx's concept of space is the organic unity of place space and relational space.According to the thinking path of historical materialism,the space of place and the space of relation are not two different spaces,but the actual space has different regulations on the explicit and implicit levels.The different regulations on these two levels are unified with human beings.In practice.Marx's deep understanding of the dual provisions of the concept of space and its dialectical relationship is embedded in Marx's ontology.In Marx's view,space is closely related to existence.Wherever there is,there must be room.Space is where it exists.Space is not only the location of ordinary matter and life,but also the existence of human beings.One of the places of existence is in the dominant place;the second is in the recessive relationship.Only in the dominant place can existence be tolerated,observed,measured and positioned;in the recessive relationship,existence has value and significance.For people,the location is the outward manifestation,and the relationship is the implicit value essence.Places and relationships are both external and internal,and orientation and value are internally unified.They are the essential provisions of space at two different levels.These two regulations are not only objective,but also unified.Neither the former regulation nor the latter regulation can be abolished,let alone the unifying relationship between the two.Marx's concept of space is the condensation and generalization of Marx's space thought.However,Marx's spatial thought is not ready-made,nor is it static.Its development has gone through a historical evolution process from nothing to something,from immaturity to maturity.To sort out the historical evolution process of Marx's space thought is not only an inevitable requirement for deepening the understanding of his space concept,but also a necessary prerequisite for expanding the interpretation of his space thought.The historical evolution of Marx's space thought has gone through four stages: the germination of space thought conceived in Enlightenment rationalism;the principle of practical subjectivity born out of the young Hegelian school;the historical materialist narrative of human activity space;the politics of capitalist space production Critique of Economics.The important feature of Marx's space thought is: hidden and invisible but throughout.Therefore,it is necessary to make a logical and practical theoretical explanation of the main content of Marx's space thought.Production,life,and ecology respectively stipulate the nature and meaning of human activity space from different aspects,which can constitute the three basic directions of interpretation of Marx's space thought.Specifically,production space is the objective conditions,basic elements,transformation links,and historical products of human production activities;living space is human perceptual objects,life dwellings,places of communication,and forms of existence;ecological space is a humanized natural world.The true resurrection of nature is an inevitable choice beyond the logic of capital and a necessary condition for human liberation.Marx's spatial thought is an important part of Marxism,and it is inherently consistent with Marxist positions,viewpoints,and methods.Marx realized a philosophical change in the history of human thought and created a brand-new world outlook,thus fundamentally sublating the old materialist space concept,idealist space concept,and metaphysical space concept.As far as theoretical nature is concerned,Marx's space thought is a space view of dialectical materialism and historical materialism.Compared with all previous space thoughts,the theoretical characteristics of Marx's space thoughts are embodied in four aspects:practicality,subjectivity,dialectics and value.The basic clue that runs through the full text is: human activity-spatial transformation-human freedom.Among them,human activity is the realistic starting point of Marx's space thought,space reform is the generation logic of Marx's space thought,and human freedom is the value orientation of Marx's space thought.The theoretical purpose of studying Marx's space thought is to re-understand the contemporary significance of Marx's philosophical reform in conjunction with the development of practice,to advance and deepen the study of Marx's philosophy from the spatial dimension,and to reveal the significance of space for human existence and human development,which is for modern people.Self-knowledge and self-transformation provide new enlightenment,and provide new thinking for the realization of human freedom and all-round development based on contemporary times.In terms of theoretical value,Marx's space thought is an important theoretical growth point.It is specifically manifested in: space thought is an important content of deepening the study of historical materialism,space thought is an important perspective to deepen the understanding of development laws,and space thought is an important dimension to deepen the criticism of political economy.As far as practical value is concerned,Marx's space thought is conducive to the realization of social justice.It is specifically manifested in:examining the issue of space justice from the perspective of historical materialism,respecting the main position of workers in space production,realizing changes in the way of human existence through space changes,and promoting the realization of space justice in the historical process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, space, practice, production space, living space, ecological space
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