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Restricted Dual Governance:the Dilemma Of Cooperation Between Community And Social Organization In The Supply Of Elderly Service

Posted on:2022-03-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D P JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486306728981219Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the increasing pressure of population aging,it is difficult to maintain the traditional single-subject model of providing elderly care services.Researchers generally believe that the co-supply of elderly care services by multiple entities is an ideal way to solve the current demand pressure.The community,as the main unit of the city,is the main field for the provision of elderly care services.During the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period formulated in 2011,the plan for the construction of the social elderly care service system put forward the goal of building "home care as the foundation,community as the support,and institution as the support".As a field where demand occurs and supply is realized,the community is an important support for the development of elderly care services.Therefore,the provision of elderly care services by multiple entities in the community has become an important practice process for the establishment of the system.The main body of the socialized elderly care service supply in the community mainly includes community neighborhood committees and some social organizations.From a theoretical perspective,the cooperation between the two is an important attempt to build an elderly care service system;from a practical perspective,the cooperation between the two determines the overflow utility of community elderly care service supply and whether it can form a systemic advantage.Therefore,the research object of this article focuses on the cooperation between community neighborhood committees and social organizations in the provision of elderly care services.Judging from the current situation and the actual situation,the cooperation between communities and social organizations in the provision of elderly care services is manifested as insufficient motivation,or alternative or addendum-type cooperation,and lack of collaborative cooperation.As an important part of the elder care service system,regardless of the above-mentioned cooperation situation,the cooperation between the community and the social organization in a difficult situation will hinder the establishment of the elder care service system.Through combing the literature,it can be found that current research on the cooperation between communities and social organizations mainly focuses on multiple subjects from the perspective of welfare pluralism.Both it and the research methods of cooperative process based on partnership only focus on the main body of community and social organization,ignoring the influence of the systemic background of the formation of its behavioral logic.And there is a lack of connection between the two types of research,that is,the separation of the multiple subjects of the elderly service supply and the cooperation process of the subjects,and the lack of a holistic and unified perspective to analyze the cooperation between communities and social organizations in the provision of elderly care services.In view of this,from the perspective of the overall governance system,this article proposes that the cooperation between communities and social organizations in the provision of elderly care services is a coordinated governance that spans different governance systems and reconstructs it.The analysis of this governance model contains two interrelated parts.The first is the analysis of the governance subject,namely the community and social organization,including the study of the governance system in which it is located and the governance rights in the governance system from a systematic perspective.The second is the analysis of the collaborative governance process.The original governance system of communities and social organizations and their governance rights in the governance system affect the conditions and motivation of collaborative governance in the supply of elderly care services,and in turn affect the negotiation process,cooperation types,and cooperation effectiveness of collaborative governance.Based on this research framework,this paper analyzes the causes of the plight of cooperation between communities and social organizations in the supply of elderly care services from a holistic perspective,and puts forward suggestions for improvement.Although the nature of the community is more complex,both administrative and social,in the actual operation of the community,the administrative usually squeezes the social,that is,the community is completely incorporated into the vertical government governance system.Therefore,the research on the governance subject of the community takes the government governance system as the starting point.Researchers believe that my country's government governance system is mainly governed by the administrative contracting system.In this system,the community is at the end of the administrative chain and has low governance power,which is manifested by many administrative tasks,few available resources,and no supervision and incentive rights.Since elderly care services are less involved in governance risks and less pressure on public accountability,higher-level governments usually contract out in accordance with the territorial principle to reduce budgets.That is to say,the outsourcing attribute of the supply of elderly care services is strong,and the community entities are affected by the administrative outsourcing system in the supply of elderly care services,forming a passive response type behavior logic.In the administrative subcontracting system,the community is formed as a behavioral logic and its low administrative power in the government governance system has an impact on its sociality,that is,the form of cooperation between the community and the social organization is determined from the perspective of the community subject.Generally,elderly care services in the government governance system are not the main indicators under the administrative "competition model".In the absence of incentives from higher-level government departments,communities lack the motivation to cooperate with social organizations.There is also another situation in which a certain type of elderly care service provision is rolled out in the community as a pilot.Before the grassroots practice reform came to the higher-level government departments,the middlelevel government,out of fear of governance risks,rebounded from the“contracting” to the “administrative” management of the grassroots government.That is,the power of the grassroots government departments will be recovered.However,the higher-level government still subcontracts the overweighted tasks,resulting in the community still having to complete the heavy tasks despite the lack of flexibility.At this time,the community is motivated to cooperate with social organizations for the purpose of strengthening its own flexibility.From the perspective of community entities,the government governance system they are in and their governance rights in this governance system affect their cooperation with social organizations.The governance power of social organizations originates from the social field and is manifested in two aspects.One is the representation and expression of social needs and public interests by social organizations,and the other is the supply of public goods by social organizations through their own resources.In the process of social governance,the relationship between social organizations and the government and the independent role they play are the criteria for measuring their governance rights.Since a considerable number of social organizations in my country are not formed spontaneously in the social field,but are mainly affected by the government's purchase of public services,this leads to the loss of governance rights in the process of social governance by social organizations,which is mainly manifested in the development of social organizations in isolation from social needs and public interests Expressed that the source of resources mainly depends on government departments,and organizational development is not independent.Due to the loss of the governance power of social organizations,it has formed a dependency-compromise behavioral logic in the establishment of the old-age service system in the process of social governance.This behavioral logic and its loss of governance rights affect the collaborative governance process of providing elderly care services in cooperation with the community.Community neighborhood committees cooperate with social organizations to provide elderly care services within the community as a new collaborative governance system.The cooperation process is affected by the original governance system of the community and social organizations and the governance rights they have.In collaborative governance,the governance system pair to which the governance entity originally belongs and the governance rights of the governance entity in the original governance system affect the cooperation conditions and motivations of the newly-built collaborative governance,which in turn affects the negotiation process,the type of cooperation,and the effectiveness of cooperation.Therefore,this article analyzes the collaborative governance process of community and social organizations' cooperation in providing elderly care services mainly from four aspects: cooperation conditions,cooperation motivation,cooperation operation and cooperation utility.From the perspective of collaborative governance,the cooperation between communities and social organizations to provide elderly care services requires macro-level systems,cultural conditions,meso-level organizational responsibilities and functional conditions,and conditions for mutual trust in actual operations.Affected by the government governance system under the administrative subcontracting system and the social governance system in which social organizations are in the community,the cooperation between communities and social organizations in the newlybuilt collaborative governance system has macro-institutional conditions.However,an unbalanced cooperative position has formed among the cooperative subjects.The two sides are complementary in terms of functions,but there is a problem of unclear responsibilities.In practice,it is also uncertain whether the two parties can form a trust relationship,which is mainly affected by the nature of the elderly care services provided.On the whole,the conditions for cooperation between communities and social organizations are lacking.From the perspective of collaborative governance,the dynamics of community and social organization cooperation include leadership,indirect incentive mechanisms,interdependence,and uncertainty.The governance power that communities and social organizations had in the original governance system will affect the generation of motivation for cooperation between the two parties.The promotion of cooperation between the community and social organizations by community leaders is premised on the dependence and compromise of social organizations.Because communities and social organizations lack independence and autonomy in the original governance system,they cannot form effective incentives from within the organization.The cooperation incentives of the two parties all originated from government departments,but because the government departments decentralized incentives belong to different departments,it affects the effectiveness of incentives to a certain extent.The low governance power of the community in the government governance system is manifested in many tasks and few resources.The contradiction between tasks and resources forms the driving force for cooperation with social organizations.The uncertainty of the environment is also the driving force for the cooperation of multiple subjects.Starting from the theory of social governance,the diversification and complexity of elderly care needs are the driving force for the cooperation between communities and social organizations.However,due to the lack of representation of social needs and public interests in the development of social organizations in my country The supply of elderly care service items is mainly affected by government purchase policies.Government policies are usually relatively stable.Therefore,the supply of elderly care services by communities and social organizations does not have an environment of uncertainty.From this perspective,there is a lack of motivation for cooperation.On the whole,communities and social organizations have insufficient motivation to provide elderly care services.From the perspective of collaborative governance,the lack of motivation for the cooperative provision of elderly care services between communities and social organizations has an impact on the negotiation process between the two,which is mainly manifested in the lack of institutional contact between the two parties and the characteristics of fragmentation.The achievement of the common goal requires a long period of running-in and the constant compromise of social organizations.Due to autonomy and lack of resources,the joint action ability of the two is weak.Affected by the conditions of cooperation,the motivation of cooperation and the negotiation process,the forms of cooperation between communities and social organizations in the provision of elderly care services are mainly manifested in substitution and relic cooperation,and lack of collaborative cooperation.This means that although the cooperation between communities and social organizations has increased the utility of the communities and social organizations themselves,the increase in the utility of quantity and quality in terms of the output and supply of elderly care services is not significant,and the cooperation between the two has resulted in an increase in the utility of the community and social organizations themselves.The positive external utility of the company is also relatively limited.Through the analysis of the cooperative governance framework of the community and social organizations in the supply of elderly care services,this article starts from the governance body and puts forward suggestions for improving the cooperation between communities and social organizations in the supply of elderly care services.Mainly include: the government builds a framework of collaborative governance,enhances the governance power of the community,and cultivates the governance power of social organizations.The government's construction of a collaborative governance framework mainly includes changing the concept that the government is the only governing subject,and consciously promoting partnerships with social organizations.Standardize the operation of the government governance system and the social governance system from the institutional level,and promote the compatibility and interaction between different governance systems.The promotion of community governance power includes: enhancing the autonomy and sociality of the community,opening up channels for the upward transmission of social needs structurally,and removing the barriers to connection with social organizations in terms of attributes.Broaden the resource collection channels of the community,including both the increase in the input of administrative resources and the absorption of resources from the residents,co-construction units and social organizations in the community.And attach importance to the role of community party building from the perspective of social solidarity and the role of supervision.The cultivation of the governance power of social organizations includes:clarifying the responsibilities of social organizations,that is,realizing the expression of social needs and public interests of social organizations.Strengthen the ability of social organizations to obtain resources.On the one hand,social organizations attract more members of society to participate in voluntary activities by enhancing their professionalism.On the other hand,it will enhance the ability of social organizations to raise funds from multiple channels and change their dependence on the government.To enable social organizations to obtain an independent position in the governance system,and to give play to the effective role of social organizations in the governance system through the government's appropriate delegation of power to the society and the institutionalized form of regulating the participation of social organizations in social governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Elderly service supply, Community, Social organization, Governance, Collaborative governance
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