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The Duality Of The Network: The Realization And Alienation Of Human Nature

Posted on:2021-02-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1487306041472854Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the Internet era,the network technology has comprehensively and profoundly transformed people's lives,production and ways of thinking,and we also can see that the social field on which human beings depend for survival has changed drastically,and with the development of technology,this change will continue to extend,people's technological and logical survive have become the dominant form in society in an unprecedented way.We also find that under this technological change,great changes have taken place in the inner spirit of human beings,and the inner quality and stability of human beings have been broken,two-way construction has occured between human beings and technology,the way of social development,the social structure and the form of social interaction have been reshaped,the structure of social forces has changed significantly,the technological transformation between human beings and society has penetrated into the deep and micro areas,the living space of human beings has realized a expansion in revolutionary ways.However,a undeniable fact is that the network technology has a great impact on human nature when it creates a new living picture: on the one hand,it provides a new way and a new path to promote human nature;on the other hand,it enlarges the evil power of human nature,and brings devastating consequences to the human and society.The reason is that the characteristics,such as the openness,equality and decentralization of network technology,provide a perfect "cover up" for the release of human nature:and it provides an undifferentiated access for the whole people to participate in the network,the network space has become a virtual carnival for people to fully show their natural,social relationship and spiritual nature.Moreover,with the infinite integration of online and offline,the influence of human nature in virtual space has gradually extended to the real society,this reshapes the real social order,and become an important factor affecting the development of the real social order.From the attribute of network technology alone,network technology is neutral,but when it penetrates into the human factor,the double-sided influence of network is undoubtedly revealed.In otherness,network technology greatly promotes the integration of social resources and promotes tremendous changes in the way society's developed;in the aspect of egoism,on the one hand,network technology expands people's essential ability and promotes people's development;on the other hand,it alienates network users,strengthens users' irrational thoughts and behaviors,such as people's irrational pursuit of economic interests,irrational expressions between people,s social interactions,the arbitrariness of discourse power,strongly strengthens people's self direction and willpower,which leads to a series of network social problems.Therefore,under the current huge and complex network social interaction background,the key way of governance cyberspace lies in "governing human nature ",which is to develop the good of human nature,and contain the evil of human nature.Based on the above reasons,we explored the relationship between network technology and human nature,study the interaction between network technology and human nature,can clearly understand the living conditions of people in the network era,and can more clearly understand how to promote the free and full development of people in the network era.For this reason,this paper mainly discusses from five aspects.Firstly,In the introduction part,I systematically analysis the development of human nature between China and Western from the historical dimension,mainly introduce the changes of human nature theories in Western history.Then I analysis the changes of human nature theories in china's history and Marxist views of human nature,and then studied the Impacts of the view of human nature on social order and social development,exploring the new realm of humanity-Impacts that Cyberspace putting on human nature,on this basis,briefly introduce the whole paper.The second chapter mainly explored how the network technology affects human nature.The logical starting is pointing out the interpersonal interaction in the network society.By examining the content,scale,structure of participation and the formation of social form in the network society interaction,the essence of network interaction is explored.Then analyzes the human nature motivation from five aspects: the main motivation of participation--based on economic interests,based on the concept of fairness and justice,based on leisure and entertainment,based on emotional needs and communication,and based on the tool of the network in the network society,thereby extends that what indeed is of the human nature in the network society,how its structure is,and What's the difference between reality and virtual human nature.The third chapter mainly studied the role of network technology in promoting human nature.This chapter mainly studies the role of network in the realization of human freedom,human spiritual world,human social interaction,human self value and group human nature value based on the Marxist theory of human science,therefore affirmed the positive role of network in the development of human nature,and clarify the the significance to promote the development of human nature in current network time.The fourth chapter mainly examined the negative effect of the Internet on human development,that is,the network technology has caused the alienation of human nature,including the improper pursuit of human beings caused by the guidance of economic interests,the loneliness and virtual feeling of people under virtual interaction.,Network over-reliance under the rationality of network tools,people's entertainment tendency,the dissolution and weakening of people's moral nature by network technology,the decline of rational awareness and irrational enhancement of people under network technology,etc.,With those clarify network technology has enlarged people's essential desire,and caused a series of human evils.The fifth chapter mainly studied the possible ways to avoid the alienation of human nature in the Internet:Foster self-rationality,enhance human rational ability.Sound build the rationality of the network social system,and standard humanity's practical behavior in the network;the correction of the bad motivation of network participation and the fight against cyber crimesThe conclusion part summarizes the paper,draws the basic conclusions of the paper,and looks forward to further possible research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network technology, realization of human nature, alienation of human nature, network public space, network social order, the free and comprehensive development of human beings
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