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Study On Bait Control Of Solenopsis Invicta Buren

Posted on:2008-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M S XiaoFull Text:PDF
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The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) is a kind of invasion pestjeopardizing agricultural production, ecological environment and people's health.Founded in Taiwan for the first time during 2004 September, in Guangdong duringDecember and then happened in Guangxi, Hunan and other places successively, it hadalready caused comparatively endangerments. As the ant taking place partly in China,we don't really'know its criticality. It is a cosmopolitan problem to prevent and curethe red imported fire ant. The USA had been making much effective job since 1930s,yet they could not cure the red imported fire ant completely. So it is important to adopteffectivc measures to control the red imported fire ant.The research studied bait control on the red imported fire ant in Guangxi byoutdoor research, inside feed, and inside experiment from 2005 August to 2006September. Results were as followers:Through food selectivity research, we found that: differences are significantamong Sultropene-Anilide bait, home-made bait and jerk bait. The red imported fireant preferred food with more grease and glucide to amylum food. So the bestattracting material was the former, which was of characters with dry, fishy smell andgrain and so on.Through observation on time change of the red imported fire ant foragingindicated: The foraging of the red imported fire an was frequent between 8:00-14:00and 17:00-19:00. The ideal time to deliver pesticide was 17:30-18:30 for the climate ofhigh hot and high wet in Guangxi.The test of inductive killing using several pesticides to the ant showed that,0.001% Fipronil and 0.01% Propoxur were the best because the death rate reached100% in average 1 or 2 days. Next were 0.01% Fenoxycarb and 0.01% Pyrethrins,average 3 or 4 days. Sultropene-Anilide and hydramethylnon needed 4or 5 days. Forthe final purpose was to kill the queen inside the ant nest, so the bait which kill the antslowly was usefulness. The experiment using Sultropene-Anilide, Fipronil and Fenoxycarb to control thered imported fire ant indicated that: As 0.5% Sultropene-Anilide discharged, effect ofbait brought into play after 15 days, the prevent effect got to 94.1% after 70 days. As0.001% Fipronil discharged, all the ergates were killed after 30 days, the preventeffect got to 90.9% after 70 days. As 0.5% Fenoxycarb discharged, the ergates couldbe detected after 40 days, the prevent effect got to 84.9% after 70 days. The statisticalanalysis showed that 0.5% Sultropene-Anilide and 0.001% Fipronil were better than0.5% Fenoxycarb. So we chose 0.5% Sultropene-Anilide and 0.001% Fipronil tocontrol red imported fire ant.The research using Sultropene-Anilide to control the red imported fire ant inLuchuang Guangxi indicated that: as the bait discharged, Ergates died after3days, prevent effect reached respectively 81.5%,93.9% and 100% after 7days, 14daysand 21days. The residual nests and new nests appeared 7 days later entirely died afterdischarged once 14 days. Neither ergates nor new nests founded in the fiveovservation for all the died nests from May 23rd to Nov 25th. So Sultropene-Anilidebait is of high efficiency, safety, convenience and so on, and it can replace pour-nestswhich used generally in the orther countries.
Keywords/Search Tags:Red imported fire ant, Bait, Control
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