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10-13 Years Old Children With Different Levels Of Acceptance Who Are In Emotion And Intention Understanding The Characteristics Of The Development

Posted on:2011-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q LuoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Intention, emotion understanding is an important aspect of psychological theory, this study was to explore the ability and intent to understand the emotional capacity to understand the development trend, and two kinds of ability and Peer Acceptance. In this study, primary school grade 4 (10 years), 5th grade (11 years) and junior middle school (seventh grade, 13 years old) were tested using empirical research methods, to emotional understanding, intention understanding and peer acceptance as variables, understanding the development of two features and two comprehension and PeerAcceptance. The results showed:(1) Emotional understanding of significant grade difference, the seventh grade level of children's emotion understanding than children in fourth grade and fifth grade level, while fifth-grade level of children's emotion understanding than children in the fourth grade level.(2) Emotional understanding of significant sex differences in emotion understanding for girls than boys.(3) With intent to understand there is no significant gender differences. Intent understanding, there are significant differences between grades, seventh grade level of understanding the intention of children than children in fourth grade and fifth grade level.(4) The popular understanding of children in the intention of gender differences, women's intention to understand the performance results to be better than boys.
Keywords/Search Tags:intention understanding, emotion understanding, peer acceptance, children
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