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Communication Strategies And The Development Of Intercultural Communicative Competence

Posted on:2002-12-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C R WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360032454357Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of new technology and information systems, communications between cultures and different districts become more and more prominent and frequent. Global interdependence, cultural diversity and change become visible everywhere and raise an inescapable question: how to achieve success in intercultural communication It is a problem that draws people's attention. Nowadays, developing learners intercultvtral communicative (ICC) competence has been one of the ultimate goals of foreign language teaching. But how to develop learners intercultural comk nunicative competence There are still disputes on the problem. It can be observed that the most popular way to develop learners intercultural communicative competence today is to explain and intr duce the target language and culture; to analyze and predict their cpmmuni ative needs and then relate these to teaching goals and syllabus design. However, learners who are taught in this way would be communicatively competent first. Moreover, it is neither realistic nor possible to predict exhaustively and accurately a general learner's communicative needs. In view of the contemporary world's it tercultural cqmmunication characteristics, a mastery of communication strategies; is in great need. There are three arguments for this. Firstly. a very large segment of day-to-day professional communication and doily communication take place in the international language桬nglish. And in many cases, the communication is carried out between one non-native speaker of English and another. Therefore, their use of English is embraced by different patterns and styles, and native speakers norms are not necessarily the only acceptable ones for use in many contexts where English is spoken. Consequently, a learner of Englisl is liable to lose his usual fo rnin a real encounter with his counterpart in the communication practice. It is necessary to utilize communication strategies to tackle such obstacles and misunderstandings. Secondly, communication itself is always ambiguous, even in native and native speakers interaction, there may arise misunderstandings that require the application of communication strategies. Finally, the native speakers should not be supposed to be ideal communicators, they also need to be equipped with communication strategies in the hope of developing their own intercultural communicative competence. With regard to these inadequacies of current foreign language teaching and the characteristics of intercultural communication, the present dissertation bolds to resolve the issue by proposing a more feasible and economical approach to the development of learners competence in intercultural communication. Communicators intercultural communicative competence can be developed by building up their strategic competence, that is, their ability to use communication strategies that allow them to cope with various problems that they may encounter. Thus, the dissertation makes a tentative and exploratory study of putting intercultural communicative competence development into communication strategy system. The study of communication strategies has been an exciting area of research for about three decades. On the basis of the study of language learners interlanguage, Selinker (1972) first proposes the concept of communication strategies. Later on, a number of applied linguists devote their attention to the analysis of communication strategies conceptualizations and classifications. However, most researchers dwell their studies on a single party he langu...
Keywords/Search Tags:Communication
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