The Research On The Landscape-Fu Of Tsin-Sung Dynasties | Posted on:2004-04-29 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis | Country:China | Candidate:Y H Fu | Full Text:PDF | GTID:2155360122461184 | Subject:Chinese classical literature | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | The Chinese Landscape Literature was mature in the Tsin-Sung dynasties.The Landscape Literature contains Chinese special life-philosophy and esthetic ideal. People proceeds to have the consciousness to appreciate the natural landscape and put it into literature realm large- scalely in Fu.The research on Landscape-Poem and Landscape-prose were detailed all along..But the research on Landscape-Fu is deficient whose action in the development of Landscape Literature is important very much.Our definition of Landscape-Fu is to aim the purpose of describing the natural landscape beauty and appreciating the aesthetics.This advented in Wei-Tsin dynasties when the consciousness of aesthetics on Landscape were awaked. The Landscape-Fu were on the peak of development when DongTsin and LiuSung died away while Landscape-Poem advanced in Qi-Liang dynasties.DongTsin was a Metaphysics age.Be suffered by the Metaphysics and the Buddhism, the literati experienced the Metaphysics and the Buddhism through releasing their emotions in natural landscape. The philosophical abstracted ideology went into the Xuanyan-Poem while the literatural viralized ideology went into the Landscape-Fu.The Landscape-Fu have diffrerent characters in diffrerent times. In CaoWei dynasty the the consciousness of aesthetics on Landscape were awaked initially,the Landscape-Fu have lyricism.In Tsin-Sung dynasties the Landscape-Fu to display the Metaphysics and the Buddhism became mainstrem.And in Qi-Liang dynasties the Landscape-Fu was poetized. The Landscape-Fu and Landscape-Poem were affected each other.The Landscape-Fu acted the bridge between the Xuanyan-Poem and the Landscape-Fu.. | Keywords/Search Tags: | Landscape-Fu, Landscape-Poem, Xuanyan-poem, Tsin-Sung, Landscape literature | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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