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The Development Of Systems Thinking In The Present Age And Its Influence On The Marxism Philosophy

Posted on:2009-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M QianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275950647Subject:Basic theory of Marxism
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The development of systems thinking has gone through a long history:from the whole thinking characterized by intuition in ancient times,to the analysis-based whole thinking in early modern times,and then to the systems thinking based on contemporary science nowadays,it fully embodies the continuously deepening process in the study about objective world.The birth of contemporary systems thinking and its development not only has solid scientific foundation,but also has profound social background.First of all,Von·Bertalanffy and others founded general system theory and this is a new milestone in the development of the 20th century science.It transforms the philosophy view that the world is an organic unity of relating to each other,always developing and changing,to the scientific view which can be evidenced.And so,it makes the view of human about the objective world undergo profound changes.Secondly,because of the broad and deep scientific basis of general system theory,a " systems science" group of subjects is gradually forming since the mid of 20th century,in the core of which is general system theory,covering a great deal of subjects,including cybernetics,information theory and the Synergetics,etc.More over,with the development of society towards an even more complex,technological and specialized direction,people must, in any social and practical activities,analyze and study problems by using systems thinking and act in the guide of systems thinking.This way,systems thinking,as a major scientific thought birthed in 20th century,has been applied widely in almost all areas of society,and guided people's social and practical activities.All real philosophy are the essence of the spirit of that times,with the continuous development of systems thinking,a new form of philosophy,systems philosophy,was finally birthed.Marxism philosophy must be modernized so as to meet the needs of the times.Systems thinking and systems philosophy are natural ally with the Marxism philosophy.They all viewed the world as an organic whole,the parts of which interrelated with each other, correlated to each other,interact with each other and are always developing and changing. Their difference is that systems theory or systems thinking expressed its point of view from scientific level,while Marxism philosophy from the philosophical view.As a result,on the one hand,systems thinking can provides philosophical basis for Marxism philosophy, ensuring the basic concepts,scope,principles and laws of Marxism philosophy even more precise,scientific and specific.On the other hand,it can also adds new concepts,new areas, new laws and new principles to Marxism philosophy,which will make the theoretical system of Marxism philosophy more perfect,reasonable,copious and energetic.The influence of systems thinking on Marxism philosophy mainly represents on the following aspects:systems thinking has deepened the material view of the dialectical materialism,deepened the view that everything in the world are correlated with each other, deepened the Marxism epistemology,deepened the three basic law of materialist dialectics and deepened the Marxism social science.
Keywords/Search Tags:systems thinking, general system theory, Marxism philosophy, whole thinking, systems philosophy
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