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Study On The Names Of Internal Real Estate

Posted on:2010-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S G WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360278974094Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Real estate name is the name used when real estate registers and sells. Just like people's name, real estate name represents a building; it is the name card which distinguishes each build. Real estate name changed our life, it makes us easily to point out our position and destination, brings convenience for journey; it is a kind of cultural which is enable to avoid, reveals people's desire and demand in short writing; it is also a special language phenomenon, different parts of speech, different color's words forms together, makes Chinese demonstrates vitality vigorously. Now it becomes an indispensable part of real estate.Real estate name is a kind of special advertisement language; it has special audiences and shapes. In recent years, articles study on it has already appeared, they discussion from different angles on this special language phenomenon, very meaningful. But those articles often begin from main point; they are not very detailed and thoroughly, so we collect more than 40 cities, twenty thousands estate names, hope to analysis them thoroughly, and then present a full view of the internal real estate names.This paper mainly uses survey method, through internal specialized real estate website-, and relevant portion on famous comprehensive website - to take possession of real estate names, and collect materials from newspapers and magazines. Collect names is just the first step, it is more important to find out those names' real meaning. We can analyze their individuality and general character only when we have grasped their meaning accurately. Based on this, we classified and analyzed them. First we begin from main point, study theirs general names, special names and design forms. Then we unify their part of speech and word meaning, according to including special part of speech, for example, foreign word, transliterates external word, digital word, and so on, and including typical images, like mountain and water image, wealth image, animals and plants names, heavenly bodies, wishing words, and so on ,to classified and analyzed. Finally we researched harmonics and different styles used in those names. We have used the case analysis method for some typical names.This thesis has five chapters, described and analyzed in details to internal real estate names, covers the shortage of the real estate names' study at present, has positive significance for the special language phenomenon. Another aspect, it has important evocation for the study of advertisement language, culture and trend of thought in nowadays.
Keywords/Search Tags:real estate name, general name of real estate, special name of real estate
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