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Analyses On The Impact Of FDI On China's Export

Posted on:2002-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360032450549Subject:Political economy
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Since the third Plenary Session of the eleventh Central Committee of CPC, China's achievement of absorption and utilizationofforeigncapital attractsworldwideattention. Since 1993, China has become the second largest country in the world intermof foreign capital utilization after theIJS and the largest country among the developing countries. China has become one of the most attractive countries in term of investment. FDI has become the main form in absorption and utilization of foreign capital and it plays a more and more important role in national economy. From the angle of China's export, FDI has done great contributions on the growth of China's export. With the growing effect of FDI on China's national economy; under the condition that China would be a foreign-capital-export-control led country, no systematic researches has been made on the relationship between foreign trade and export, except some sol?study focusing on certain aspects. It's really a rather regretting thing. In fact, in this field, there are many problems which are worthy having a deep and systematic study. It is of momentous current and far-reaching historical significance under the condition that China will accede to WTO and step into the second strategic changeby utilizingforeign capital. This is the point of this thesis. Applying qualitative and quantitative methods, this thesis attempts to study the relationship between FDI and China?export systematically. There are two propositions in this thesis. One is if the propensity of export of foreign-funded enterprises is higher than its national enterprises, theother isto study the impact of FDI on China's export from China's export compositions. In the prev ious days, scho l ars both at home and abroad pa id muchattent ion to the study of the quant itat ive re I at ionsh ipbetween FDI and the groWth of export, whi le the study of there l at ionsh ip between FD I and export compos it ion was a Iwaysignored or pai d I itt le attent ion to. Thi s thes is breaksthrough th i s k ind of trad it ion. The re I at ionsh ip between FD Iand export compos it ion and reg i ona l structure i s ana I yzed andstud ied quant itat ive I y by mathemat ics methods. The f ina Iconc l us ions are: 1. FDI has p layed a positive roIe on the groWthof Ch ina's export i 2. As for the qua I itat ive transmi ss ion inCh ina's export compos it ion from pr imary products tomanufactured products, FD l has great contr ibut ions. However,it p l ays l itt le effects on the upgrades of the inter iorcompos it ion of the manufactured products, somet imes it evenp I ays restr ict effects on the change of Chi na's comparat iveadvantage.The ma in reason i s that it i s re I ated to both fore ign--i nvestedindustry structures and region resource structure andfurthers more, it has someth ing to do with the poI icy systemof Ch inese government and its i nvestment env i ronment. Bes ides,Ch ina's po I icy of fore ign trade and fore ign cap ita I shou I d a l sobe taken into account.At present, Ch ina wi I l enter i nto WT0, and it's a turn ing po intfor fore ign cap ita l introduct ion to step into its secondstrateg ic change. Fac i ng th i s new domest i c and abroad econom i cenv i ronment, i n order to absorb +ore ign cap ita I and at the samet ime avoi d ing the negat ive effects, what sha l l we do? Th is i sthe or igi naI intent ion of wr iti ng thi s thes is. That is, I wi shthe study wou l d be he I pfu I to Ch ina's current economy. Ai m i ngat the quest ions and concIus ions ana Iyzed above and the newcharacter i st ics emerged from both the internat iona I d i rectinvestment and economi c deve I opment, the I...
Keywords/Search Tags:Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign-fundedEnterprises, Export Position, Competitive Capacity of Export, Composition of Export
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