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The Research Of Venture Capital And High-tech Industrial Development Of Our Country

Posted on:2003-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Q HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The experience of developed countries shows that high-tech and its industrial development is major strength to promote economic increase, is also the important factor of the national economic innovation ability of a country, but high-tech industry can not get away from venture capital. In our country, venture capital is being in preliminary development stage, the system of venture capital does not be still established completely. This restricts the development of high-tech industry. Therefore establishment the system of venture capital is the objective needs to promote our country of high-tech industrial development.This article explains the importance of establishment the system of venture capital of high-tech industry in our country through analyzing and introducing the role of venture capital in the course of high-tech industrialization. Full text divides totally 4 chapters. First chapter introduces the intension of venture capital. Second chapter analyses high-tech industrial course and the role of venture capital in this course. The chapter of 3rd expounds the problem of existence and the present situation of high-tech industrial development in our country. The chapter of 4th makes the thought of establishment the system of venture capital of high-tech industry in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:venture capital, high-tech industry, system of venture capital
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