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Dynamic Study On Optimizing Adjustment Of Agricultural Production Structure In The Mountain Areas Around The Sichuan

Posted on:2004-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T W YongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360092497161Subject:Crop Cultivation and Farming System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The paper regards the mountain areas around the Sichuan basin as a research object, studying the optimization adjustment of agricultural production structure of Yingjing county. Including actuality evaluation, environmental identification analysis, dynamic harmonious analysis, dynamic simulation analysis and policy decision putting into optimization scheme. The results showed as follows.1 , In the current agricultural production structure, output value of animal husbandry and crop planting occupy 93.4% of agricultural total output value, and forestry and fishery do not get fully reasonably develop; The wild economic vegetables and fruits resources and water resources etc, are the superiority environment factors of agriculture development of this area, and the slope farmland and service system etc, are limited environment factors, and the science-technology and labor quality etc, are potential environment factors; There exists some problems in the agricultural production system, for example, Single productive constitution don't correspond with varieties of resources, rich plant resources exploitation scarcity and economical crop development lag.2, To the agricultural total output value, the influence level of crop planting, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery showed that: Animal husbandry ( 0.7047 ) > fishery ( 0.4679 ) > crop planting ( 0.3043 ) >forestry ( 0.1485 ); In the future, the agricultural economy can gain development steadily, and crop planting, forestry, animal husbandry will be promote development of it, and the most effect is the animal husbandry, and the fishery will be restrain development of it; The crop planting internal structure don't correspond, and the economical crop , the feed and green manure and vegetable will be promote development of crop planting, and the most effect is the feed and green manure output value, secondly is the economical cropoutput value, and the effect of grain crops is the least, and it restrain development basically, with the exception of, the tea and fruit output value will be restrain development of it; In the grain crops internal structure, the wheat and rice will be restrain development of it, and the corn will be promote development of it; The animal husbandry internal structure don't correspond, and the big animal and rabbit will be promote development of it, and the pig and sheep restrain development.3, According to problems that exist and results of system coordinated analysis, and putting forward six series of strategy development schemes. The scheme 2 is the best adjustment scheme of agricultural production structure to Yingjing county through model simulation and multi-objective comprehensive decision, and put forward the development routing that establish ecological agriculture giving priority to the ecological stock breeding and developing crop planting and forestry together. In 2020, the agricultural total output value reaches 36180 wan-yuan, is 2.75 times of that in 2000, and the output value per person reaches 2753.42 yuan, is 2.39 times of that in 2000. In the agricultural total output value internal structure, output value of forestry and animal husbandry occupy 80% of it, and realize fully exploitation and utilization of the superiority environment factors; In the crop planting output value internal structure, the economical crop output value occupy 51.18% of it, and give prominence to development of the regional superiority (resource superiority) and characteristic agriculture (Chinese medicinal materials etc); In the animal husbandry output value internal structure, the grass-eating animals output value (including rabbit output value) occupy 84.55% of it, thereinto, the rabbit output value occupy 66.2% of it, and realize operation of large scale; Enhance meat, egg and milk per person (increase proportion of beef and mutton, reduce proportion of pig), and reduce grain per person and oil plants per person, and enhance forest-coverage rate, source of manure index etc, and enhance ecological benefit.4, According to problems th...
Keywords/Search Tags:mountain areas around the Sichuan basin, agricultural production structure, the Grey System model, SD model, optimization adjustment
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