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Research On Assessing And Forecasting Model On Financial Risk Of The Chinese Listed Company

Posted on:2003-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360092965920Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the raPid growth of Chinese caPital maret, ther is about l088 listedWboes in the Shechn and Shanghai Seeurity MarkCt. After coInPetin, manof them oPerae well and survive, but some of them are boubing by bad operaon.Now China being a rneInbe ofrn, Chinse enterprises, incudin listed COmany,Which will face grCat COmpehho.n, it will lead to more serious flnancial risk in thetroubled ones. It's necessny tO research on hOw tO assess the finaniai risk level ofthe listed comany and take measures to cothel it.ttis paper sMs the recen research results in the topic, maks a brieflydeSCriPon of the foral risks, then researthes on the mechanism tO cause them,introduces Way tO assess the level of Anancial risk. Based on it, this PaPer finds outthe main finaniai ratios to influeoce risk thrOUgh survtw, and bulld the financialriskleve forecasting model by the method of tWo grouP ofdiscdrinate analysis. Ihthe research,60 listed comPedes are selected as our Statstical analsis SamPles andcataloged into two grouPs, which has 30 samPles,one is comPany which is nosPecially Wdopn ST) the othe is on the cotw (ST). TO evaiuate theforecasting model, we select other 20 non-ST comPboes as teSt samPle. The modelforecaStS that a COmPny coded by YKF has high level finanial risk, and the resulfits fOr our lerial analysis. Some measurs to reduCe the financial risk aresuggested in the last section of hhs paPer, Which includes peffecting the copegoveman and rebullding the credit rePUtaton of finns in our cOUnny...
Keywords/Search Tags:listed comany, finaniai risk, assessing & forecasting
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