Value Orientation Of Villagers Self-government Of Our Country, Economic Reason Of Existing Problems And Their Countermeasure |
Posted on:2003-02-26 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis |
Country:China | Candidate:X M Men | Full Text:PDF |
GTID:2156360092966587 | Subject:Administrative Management |
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In the earIy 80s. Under the pushing of both the naion and the peasans. Andthe peasants created villagers selfgovenunent that has been develOped at the endOf 80s and 90s .by means of the economic analysis. ms article proved tha thevalue orientaion of the villagers selfgovenunent--- the reasonableness of thesystematiZation and the law of the villagers selfgovennnent democracy .the writerthink it shOuld include three mebongs: first. the systematization and the law ofdemocracy refers to tha the value and norm should be accepted and understands bythe citizen and on this base. We should enhance the citizen to imProve the senseof participating and the political activity .second .from the organiZation point ofview .the realiZaion of the systematiZaion and law of democracy demands thecitizen to tak part in the political activity orgedzationally. Third. Thenatural pmpose of the systematiZation and law of democracy is tO realize theeffective providing of democratic system and to got the citizen's behavior tO meetthe order reasonably .constally and to bring forth new ideas to this systemconstanly .from the economic analysis of view. we exPlained the reason of thedifference betWeen the presellt villagers selfgovenunent and its value orientaion.first. in our country. the establishment of the system of the villagersselfgovenunent is far more behind the times. Second. During the process of thevillagers selfgovenunni. Some villagers can't accePt or undertud the value andnorm of selfgovenunent and this damPened the citizen's enthusiasm. mrd. Thevillagers conunittee is difficult tO ofgboze the peasants to form a legal grOuP totake pat in the POlitical activity and either can it adjust the interest of peasants orrelive the peasans' dissatisfaction .the organiZaion of the villagers particiPatingis very low. As for the Present condition of villager's selfgovenunellt .although ithas been developed on a certain scale. There is still a long Way for fully realizingthe systematiZation and law of democracy. So the continual exploring and capingout the countermeasure of value orientation has a specific mehang fOr furiherconstruction and development of the villagers selfgovehaent.
Keywords/Search Tags: | villagers selfgovemmellt, economic reason cowter measure |
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