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On The Theory And Practice Of The Villagers' Autonomy

Posted on:2002-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360032454968Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
VillagerS' selfgOnd is an innnwhate fonn of villagerS' ngement oflOed fo, Which deIntw by four bo of deInOCra formS: detnochaeleetion. deInedc decis--, demcedc rnanageInen and deIntwcSUPervisbe A Anes of IegulW and PrOcedUrs estabhah on the beds of thefoUr demCtatic foIInS has Inad POsSilile the standar execution of villagerS'se1fgOVemInent. At PreSent it is sighant to mp oUt the POilcy of villagere'selfgOVbo fOr the Process of SOCall deInOCraCy -- ofpeaSanand effieen InanageIne of villagers.By means of analyzin System and Process, the thesis Inakes a briefcOInInenon the maor ProbleInS in the theOry and exeCutio of villagere' selfgOVennned. Italso edores the ProbleInS as Well as the measurs to Inak.The thesis is divided into four ChaPterS.The Prefor introdUCeS the fbcal points of this thesis as Wdi as siedCan ofthe reseaxta.The for ChaPte bos the bbo in the theOry and hiSIOry backgrOUn ofvillW' seifgOVemInat The viliagere' selfgOVenUnent has develoed into adetnOCra and self ped SyM Which Chinse characWs and hasenriched the MdriSt thcory of sociai selfgOVenUnent as Well.The second chaPter maks COInmen on the four PrOCeSSes of the viliagers,seifgOVemmot deVeopmp. ViliagerS' seifgOVbo wtences peestablis pedri and new breac foUr ProCesses. And analySes the devhatrend of villagerS' selfgOVenUnent'The ed tw analySes the SyM oftw' setw ViliagerS'.2selfgovemmen has Inad grea --. Now villagere' selfgOVwtWhich bo deVeOPed tO some ta is cdri wh a series of new allengeS.We M overcome the driculties and neve giv it uP.The fOurth H analySes hoW to overcome the driculties of villager'selfgoVennnen. Further tw econofor conStrUctio legal COnStrUctiDN NOn. Won constrIJction. As an eXpedriental aCtivity ofMW villagere' se1fgOVemmed Provides USeful twe and revelallon tothe cwton of Chinse detnOCraC Villagere' seifged wh deVlOP tOSyStemathaon and standardhaon.Wh the deVloPmen of -- ds and moha innd areas' viliW' selfgOVemIned wh take on a new driengs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Villagers', self-government Villagers', Committee, DemocraticPolitics of socialist
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