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A Survey To The Legal Aid In China

Posted on:2004-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper deals with the concept of a legal aid system in China, as well as its characteristics, its principal parts, its models, governance , ways to achieve it, and some advice for perfecting it.A legal aid is a state responsibility which is given to those citizens who need professional legal aid but without the ability to afford it. Only in this way can their legal rights be protected. A legal aid owns such characteristics as of state, judicature relief , professional in statute, gratuitous and preferential . It is the responsibility of states to provide legal aid. Lawyers have the duty to carry out it. Those who have trouble in economy or litigants of some special cases have the right to receive legal aid. The direct legal aid governance and mixture legal aid service are tally with the actual situation in China. Legal aid organization should be regarded as comparatively independent administrative unit. The jurisdiction of legal aid belongs to the organization to which the applicant appeals. The mixture conduct such as free of charge, reduce of charge, delay payment and an expected repaid is a better way of realizing legal aid. We can perfect the system of legal aid in the following three aspects: enlarge the contents of giving legal aid; improving the models of service delivery, and the accurate definition of the mass organization which need legal aid.
Keywords/Search Tags:Legal aid, Concept, Principal part, Models, Governance, Ways to realize legal aid
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