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The Present Situation And Research On The Countermeasures For The Circulation Of Land Using Rights In Country Sides

Posted on:2005-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G M WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Great changes have happened in the countryside since reforms and openings. Rural economy which focused on the foodstuff to solve food and clothing ago is gradually stepping into multieconomy now. Economy incomes, life conception and spirit character of most rural populace have great changes.However,the countryside and the rural populace problems take on the whole society when our national economy and international economy are joining, when people are summarizing reform's achivements,when the riches are dreaming of beautiful future. We mujst recognize that it is unmeaning to abandon Chinese country sides and rural populace to discuss the Chinese economics development. What rural people got but food and clothing during reforms, recently the rural economy has been standing, and moreover some regions' economy regressive, the rural law system construction seriously laggard ,the rural populace absent of law awareness, and no rural socialization service and so on. All these embodied the countryside's and the city's different developing wpys during reform, yet "land" the unique life guarantee of rural populace turned "TANGSHENG ;MEAL" during the economic development, using right of rural land were deprived presumptuously and disorderly circulation were very serious.With economy development, the contradiction of expansion qf cities and reduction of rural land .existence and development of peasant, and modernization and peasant small production are apparent obvious, countryside land using rights have gradually changed: peasant are deprived of land using rights by the nation levying land and by the collective collecting land, and the voluntary circulation among peasants because of manpower shifting make land collected with small scale etc.The circulation of land using rights is the necessary tendency, but how to ifiake the circulation in the order, protect peasants interests and national profits mostly are always concerning the subject about which many scholars and country worker are concerned.On the base of summarizing the present situation and problem of land expropriation system of our country and of the circulation of collective land using right in the countryside, the thesis analyses that the role of our country land circulation, and the law problem of land circulation, and social indemnification function of land for peasants, and points that land using rights materialization, the perfect of the establishment of social indemnification system of the countryside and establishing land circulation market, are indispensable premise for the circulation of land using rights. We have nothing but do these to rationalize the disposition of land resource amplify land mileage greatly and promote the integrate proceeding of cities and villages.
Keywords/Search Tags:countryside land, the circulation of using rights, the present situation and countermeasures
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