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Research And Plan For Electric Energy Saving Marketing Problem Of DPC Company

Posted on:2004-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360122966181Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Energy saving is an important industry which is closely related to environments and continuous improvement of GDP. Energy saving by technical reform will make lower operating cost and improve competition for enterprises. In the meantime, the energy consumption per product has been an index as to indicate a national technology level. Energy saving attracting many companies and investors has been known as a good future industry in this century.On the basis of lots of marketing investigation in the current energy saving market, we point out the shortcomings in marketing system of DPC Company, and the provide suitable advices and plans which may also be valuable for small or middle companies to sale energy saving equipments.This thesis consists of five parts. The first part introduces the marketing theory applied hi the thesis. The second part shows the background of thesis. The third part is an analyzing part of the thesis. It includes PECT analysis, PORTER analysis and SWOT analysis for energy saving market. In the PECT analysis, we have the general ideas of situation for China's energy saving promotion. In the PORTER analysis, we have known the cooperative and competitive relationship of different roles in the micro-economy environment. In the SWOT analysis, we indicate the environment opportunities, threaten, strengths, and weakness for DPC Company, and find out the real reason for energy-saving marketing failures. The fourth part and fifth part are the advising and planning part. According to the recent marketing problems, we provide solutions and detail performing steps topromote market in the fourth part; and we point out the way to which DPC should improve in the future in the fifth part. At last, we summarize the creations and shortcomings in this thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electric Energy Saving Service, Mind Cost, Energy Management Contract (EMC)
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