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Research On The U.S.Federal Energy Management Program And Its Inspiration

Posted on:2019-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330548469853Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The U.S.federal government is the largest consumer of energy in the U.S.,and it has strong room for energy conservation and irrefutable demonstration responsibility in energy management.Under the pressure of global warming,federal laws and regulations require government agencies to play an exemplary role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions,reducing fossil fuel consumption,and increasing the use of alternative fuels.The U.S.Department of Energy launches the Federal Energy Management Program to promote the government’s efforts to improve national energy security and government environmental responsibility.This program achieves its development goals mainly through Energy Performance Contracting such as engineering services,technology application services,and decision support services.By collecting and combining the text of the US government’s energy conservation management policy,the paper focuses on the analysis of the "Federal Energy Management Program" and conducts qualitative research,and sums up its achievements and experiences.Based on the experience of the U.S.Federal Energy Management Program,the problems existing in the development of energy conservation in Chinese government agencies are sorted out,and policy suggestions for improving the energy efficiency of government agencies in China are proposed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Federal Energy Management Program, Energy Performance Contracting, Energy-saving emission reduction, Government agencies energy-saving
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